James 3:1-12 The tongue, meaning its function more than the appendage, can be used for good or evil, vv.8-10a. But it is unusually powerful, in either direction, given its relative size, vv.3-5. Without diligence, it can overpower us, vv.6-8. But our tongues serve two purposes- either of which can be overused…
Gluttony “Gluttony” is a subject seldom given sermon attention. Perhaps there are reasons for this: We preachers don’t like to preach self-condemning sermons. There is little said in the N.T. about the subject- Twice it was a false charge against the Lord, Matt.11:19; Luke 7:34. And once it was an uninspired, though apparently accurate, and hyperbolized indictment of Cretans, Titus 1:12. Nonetheless, there are lessons to be learned from these and other passages on the subject.
Gluttony “Gluttony” in Matt.11:19 and Luke 7:34 is translated from “phagos”. It is, quite literally, a voracious man, a glutton. Perhaps more simply put, it is a man (or woman) who doesn’t control the tongue with regard to how much goes in the body. But “gluttony” in Titus 1:12 comes from a different word- “gaster”. This is normally the word for belly, or stomach. It is most often used to refer to a woman being with child, as in Matt.1:18 (with child); 24:19 (pregnant); and Luke 1:31 (womb). But here in Titus 1:12 it simple means stomach or belly. The idea, and charge, seems to be that Cretans are “all belly / stomach” because they don’t know when to stop eating! They won’t control their tongues, and it shows in their stomachs!
Gluttony What’s the point for us? Is “gluttony” sinful? If it is sinful to fail to control what comes out of our mouths (and it is), then surely it must be sinful to fail to control what goes in our mouths! It is a failure to practice self-control, Gal.5:23. It is a failure to control our appetites for fleshly things, which is associated with idolatry in Phil.3: It is said to result in poverty and humiliation, Prov.23:20- 21; 28:7. Aside from these, it destroys our health and makes us miserable. Surely we can do better!
Gossip What is “gossip” specifically? Look at a few passages and the words translated as “gossip”: Rom.1:29, from psithuristes- a whisperer, secret slanderer, detractor. 2Cor.12:20, from psithurismos- basically, the same as above, but is also used as magical murmuring of a charmer of a snake. 1Tim.3:11, from diabolos- the word for “devil”; a false accuser, slanderer. (also in 2Tim.3:3 and Titus 2:3) 1Tim.5:13, from phluaros- of people uttering or doing silly things, babbling, trifling, vain, foolish talk. “Gossip” is whispered slander and false accusations.
Gossip But “gossip” is also just talking about things we shouldn’t be talking about- false or true! If what we tell has to be whispered, or preceded with “Don’t tell anyone I told you, but…” then we probably shouldn’t be telling it all, Eph.5:3-4. Surely, if we busy ourselves with minding our own business, and doing the things we ought, we’ll have no time for idle tales and other matters which ought not to be told in the first place, 1Tim.5:13-15 (such sinful behavior is limited neither to the young women, nor to women at all). Speak wholesome words which edify, or control the tongue and be quiet, Eph.4:29-30.
Gluttony and Gossip The tongue is indeed difficult to control. But that doesn’t mean that we give up and give in to its desires. We must practice self-control with regard to what goes in and what comes out of our mouths if we are to be pleasing to God! Use discretion with regard to your tongue- in both directions. There’s no need eat or say more than you should!