August 2012 Updates: It’s all fun and games!
Alma showed me a picture in a book of a girl pulling a wagon with a teddy after her tricycle, so I showed her how she could do that herself with a string and a basket. She liked it so much she took everyone along for a ride!
Top left and bottom left: Alma has started to make little imaginary conversations with small dolls, probably copying Hahgoot. Top right: Alma loves pompoms! Bottom right: The felt stories are getting more complex. Here she is saying “oh- oh” when the wolf appears in the plot.
Puzzle building: Top left: Alma can do by herself Middle: Alma needs some help Bottom right: Too hard, too many pieces...
When she can’t find a real toy horse to ride (right) Alma makes up one from a stick (left)
Sand pit adventures
Alma is the only one that can drag dad outdoors
Alma spends more time watering the plants and weeding than I do...
Alma had a great time painting on canvas
She has started to recognize and even say more colours’ names
In our next presentation: Alma is set loose in the world!