Υ Strange Beauty and other Beasts from Υ(5S) at Belle Rencontres de Moriond/Electroweak, March, 2010 Υ (5S) ResonanceΥ (5S) Resonancemotivationdata recent.


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Presentation transcript:

Υ Strange Beauty and other Beasts from Υ(5S) at Belle Rencontres de Moriond/Electroweak, March, 2010 Υ (5S) ResonanceΥ (5S) Resonancemotivationdata recent results outlook K. Kinoshita University of Cincinnati Belle Collaboration

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW e + source cavity B factory: } B Primary goal: study CP violation in weak decays of B meson 1000 fb –1 = 1 ab –1 recorded by Belle as of 12/09 KEKB

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW M=10580±1 MeV/c 2, Γ =20.5±2.5MeV BUT wait, more than Υ (4S) …. Υ (10860), or Υ (5S) continuum  (4S) ↑  (5S) B s are produced copiously in pp(bar) collisions (FNAL, LHC) – can studying B s at the Υ (5S) be competitive? pro’s CLEAN events, energy definition,  ’s; ~100% trigger efficiency high luminosity, established detector, Υ (4S) data for comparison ↑  (4S) threshold

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW Υ (5S) physics B s in Standard Model CP-asymmetry ~ 0 -> window to New Physics  CP /  =O(10%) Spectator decay (as w non-strange B) -> quark-hadron duality absolute BF’s, modes w π 0, γ spectroscopy B s (*) mass B (s) (*) ( π) event fractions bottomonium, bottomonium-like states

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW Data June 2005: 3-day “engineering” run basic  (5S), B s (*) properties, test KEKB at  (5S) - L max ~1.39x10 34 cm -2 s -1 June 2006: 20-day run fb –1 on resonance K.F. Chen et al., PRL 100, (2008) J. Wicht et al., PRL 100, (2008) R. Louvot et al., PRL 102, (2009) A. Drutskoy et al., arXiv: R. Louvot et al., arXiv: J. Li et al., arXiv: C.-C. Peng et al., BELLE-CONF-0904 S. Esen et al., NEW = 4 x largest previous sample (CLEO) 1.86 fb –1 at peak (10869 MeV) A. Drutskoy et al., PRL 98, (2007) A. Drutskoy et al., PRD 76, (2007) Oct 2008-Dec 2009: extended run ~100 fb –1 on resonance December 2007: scan 6 pts fb –1 above resonance K.F. Chen et al., arXiv: energy scan GeV this talk

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW fundamentals Fox-Wolfram moments (3.01±0.02±0.16)x10 5 events/fb –1 Continuum 3.67 fb –1 (scaled) Event count continuum B s fraction in Υ (5S) events inclusive D s, D 0 production DsDs 1.86 fb –1 PRL 98, (2007)

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW MC simulation B s at ϒ (5S): Full reconstruction of B s candidates:

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW fb –1 B s at ϒ (5S): Comparing rates: [PRL 102, (2009)] Full reconstruction of B s candidates:

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW arXiv: R. Louvot B s decays: dominated by spectator process (as w B u,d ) –Quark-hadron duality similar semileptonic widths B q -> DX B s -> D s X for many modes

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW data 23.6 fb –1 slice/projection continuum peaking bg 2-d fit

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW data 23.6 fb –1 slice/projection 2-d fit

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW data 23.6 fb –1 slice/projection 4-d fit incl. polarization

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW Data polarization P-> VV decay: Polarization depends on hadronization detail -> test of factorization hypothesis longitudinal transverse helicity angles

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW CKM-favored AND flavor-neutral CP=+1 in heavy quark limit, m c ->∞ ~ saturated by 2-body D s (*)+ D s (*)– -> difference in widths of CP=±1 S. Esen Aleksan, Dunietz, Kayser Z. Phys., C54, 653 (1992)

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW Reconstruction

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW Reconstruction Candidate selection One candidate (all channels) per event selection: lowest chisquare based on

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW d fit in (ΔE, M bc ), simultaneous over 3 modes 23.6 fb –1 signal wrong combination crossfeed background

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW Branching fraction more theory input requested! [theory; Aleksan et al., PLB 316, 567 (1993)

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW Other CP Eigenstates B-factory measurement: mixing-mediated CP oscillations depends on complex argument of mixing box diagram depends on complex argument of mixing box diagram CP violation in CKM is insufficient to explain baryon asymmetry Mod. Phys. Lett A9, 75 (1994); PRD 51, 379 (1995); Nucl.Phys. B287, 757 (1987) = 0 for B s arg(V tb *2 V ts 2 ) = 0 for B s => window to non-SM CP-violation

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW arXiv: J. Li CP eigenstate; expectation Based on flavor SU(3) symmetry + PDG: Reconstruction

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW d fit in (ΔE, M bc ), simultaneous over sub-modes 23.6 fb –1

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW d fit in (ΔE, M bc ), simultaneous over sub-modes 23.6 fb –1

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW C. C. Peng

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW Also: CP eigenstates 23.6 fb –1

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW arXiv: A. Drutskoy

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW CLEO PRL 54, 381 (1985)  (5S) reconstruction Relative rates: hadronization/spectroscopy

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW MC simulation 23.6 fb –1 bg-subtracted Distributions in M bc

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW Reconstruct Bπ, look for B (*) in missing ΔE, M bc MC 23.6 fb –1 initial state radiation (new interpretation)

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW Summary KEKB and Belle at Υ (10860)+ 6/05, 6/06: 23 days, 23.6 fb –1, 1.3M B s events 6/05, 6/06: 23 days, 23.6 fb –1, 1.3M B s events 12/07: energy scan, 6 pts, 8 fb –1 12/07: energy scan, 6 pts, 8 fb –1 Strange beauty Strange beautymeasured observed CP states & more sought Beasts Beasts more to come... more to come... 10/08-12/09: ~100 fb –1 at Υ (5S), ~6M B s event, additional possible scan near/above Υ (5S) in Spring 2010 SuperKEKB/Belle II ~2014

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW Backup slides

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW Systematic errors

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW systematics

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW systematics

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW Searches for new modes of B s γγ : difficult for hadron machines beyond SM: up to 5x10 – fb –1 PRL 100, (2008) (prev. Belle: <5.3 x 10 –5 )

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW Searches for new modes of B s φγ 23.6 fb –1 First observation

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW e + source cavity Belle detector the hardware (KEK, 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken, Japan) 8.0 GeV 3.5 GeV 22 mr L max = 1.71 X cm –2 s –1 (world record) L max = 1.71 X cm –2 s –1 (world record) Data (6/1999–12/2007) Data (6/1999–12/2007)  L dt = 760 fb Υ (4S)+off(~10%)} (>7.6x10 8 B events)(>7.6x10 8 B events)  L dt = 23.6 fb Υ (5S) Charged tracking/vertexing SVD: SVD: (-7/03) 3-layer DSSD Si µstrip (152M B pairs) (-7/03) 3-layer DSSD Si µstrip (152M B pairs) (8/03-) 4-layer (550+M BB) (8/03-) 4-layer (550+M BB) CDC: 50 layers (He- ethane) CDC: 50 layers (He- ethane) Hadron identification CDC: dE/dx CDC: dE/dx TOF: time-of-flight TOF: time-of-flight ACC: Threshold Cerenkov ACC: Threshold Cerenkov(aerogel)Electron/photon ECL: CsI calorimeter ECL: CsI calorimeter Muon/K L KLM: Resistive plate KLM: Resistive platecounter/iron  = KEKB B-factory

K. Kinoshita Moriond EW … the people … the people (authors vary, each paper) 14 countries, 55 institutes, ~400 collaborators IHEP, Vienna ITEP Kanagawa U. KEK Korea U. Krakow Inst. of Nucl. Phys. Kyoto U. Kyungpook Nat’l U. EPF Lausanne Jozef Stefan Inst. / U. of Ljubljana / U. of Maribor U. of Melbourne BINP Chiba U. U. of Cincinnati Ewha Womans U. Fu-Jen Catholic U. U. of Giessen Gyeongsang Nat’l U. Hanyang U. U. of Hawaii Hiroshima Tech. IHEP, Beijing IHEP, Moscow Nagoya U. Nara Women’s U. National Central U. National Taiwan U. National United U. Nihon Dental College Niigata U. Nova Gorica Osaka U. Osaka City U. Panjab U. Peking U. Princeton U. Riken Saga U. USTC Seoul National U. Shinshu U. Sungkyunkwan U. U. of Sydney Tata Institute Toho U. Tohoku U. Tohuku Gakuin U. U. of Tokyo Tokyo Inst. of Tech. Tokyo Metropolitan U. Tokyo U. of Agri. and Tech. INFN Torino Toyama Nat’l College VPI Yonsei U.