National Science Foundation Designed Porous Ceramics Rajendra K. Bordia, University of Washington, DMR Outcome: Researchers at the University of Washington, are designing porous ceramics for next generation energy conversion and storage, and clean water systems. Impact: These materials will enable significant improvements fuel cells and batteries, leading to lower fuel use and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. They will also lead to development of efficient filters removing contaminants and pathogens from water Explanation: Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are an important emerging energy conversion approach as they convert fossil fuels more efficiently to electricity than either internal combustion engine or turbines. The higher efficiencies reduces CO 2 emissions. Moreover, SOFCs can use abundant natural gas as the fuel thus helping achieve energy security and independence. Porous cathodes are the limiting constituent of current SOFCs since they determine both the performance and lifetime of the SOFCs. Bordia’s group, in an international collaborative Materials World Network project, is working on the design of anisotropic hierarchical porous ceramic cathodes. They are using innovative processing together with high fidelity characterization and computational design. The approaches being developed in this project are also leading to better water filters and can be applied to the design of safer and more efficient Li-ion batteries.
National Science Foundation Effect of Sintering on TPB Density and Connectivity Rajendra K. Bordia, University of Washington, DMR Triple-Phase Boundaries (TPB) are the junction between the electron-conducting (LSM), ion-conducting (YSZ) and pore phase. The electrochemical reaction in SOFC cathodes occurs at these junctions, Not every junction however contributes to cell efficiency. Only boundaries that are connected to the 3D percolating network are active Using quantitative 3D microstructural analysis, it is shown that cathodes sintered at 1200 °C have higher TPB density (8.9 um -2 ) and more active TPBs (84 %) compared with cathodes sintered at 1300 °C ( density of 4.1 um -2, 24 % active).
National Science Foundation Outreach: The Magic and Science of Ceramics Rajendra K. Bordia, University of Washington, DMR At Discovery Days, students K-12 were able to try on ceramic armor, slip-cast their very own alumina toys and delve into the fascinating world of uses of ceramics. High school interns, undergraduate students and graduate students from the Bordia lab all pulled together to make this open house a success. Prof. Bordia was selected as a Distinguished Visiting Professor jointly by Mexican Academy of Science (AMC) and the Mexico-United State Foundation for Science (FUMEC) ( ). As a part of this award, he presented a short course on Sintering at Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez, Mexico which was attended by 14 graduate students and 5 assistant professors.