sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo Baryon anomaly at RHIC Tatsuya Chujo (University of Tsukuba)
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 2 Baryon/Meson anomaly PHENIX: PRL 91, (2003), PRC 69, (2004), PRC 74, (2006) “Baryon anomaly (or enhancement) at RHIC”. In Au+Au s NN = 200 GeV central collisions: R CP (or R AA ) Pions: Strong suppression of yields above p T ~ 2 GeV/c, due to jet quenching effect. Protons: No suppression for at intermediate p T (2-5 GeV/c). p/ and p/ ratios More (anti) baryons than pions at intermediate p T (2-5 GeV/c). Strong centrality dependence. Inspired extensive theoretical works to explain the data.
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 3 R cp from Recombination R cp splitting between baryons and mesons comes naturally in the recombination approach. Hwa, Yang Recombination + Fragmentation is needed to reproduce identified spectra and R cp measurements at higher p T. Fries, Muller, Nonaka, Bass R.J. Fries, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett (2003). R. C. Hwa, et al., Phys. Rev. C 70, (2004). V. Greco, et al., Phys. Rev. C 68, (2003).
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 4 Intermediate p T : “Hard” pions vs. “Soft” protons (mass effect) K p Interplay between “ Soft ” and “ Hard ” Crossover: 1.8 GeV/c , 2.6 GeV/c K, 3.8 GeV/c p T.Hirano, Y.Nara, Phys.Rev.C69,034908(2004) Hydro+Jet R AA
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 5 →K + K - R AA R AA looks like the rather than the proton, even if mass( ) ~ mass(p)! Suggested that it’s not the mass effect, but baryon/meson effect.
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 6 Particle type dep. of elliptic flow (v 2 )
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 7 Quark Recombination on v 2 Number of constituent quark scaling (n =2 for mesons, n =3 for baryons) works. Suggested that pressure developed at quark level, not hadrons.
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 8 PHENIX White Paper ( ) says…
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 9 Since then… Detector upgrades: –PHENIX: Aerogel Cherenkov, TOF.W –STAR: MRPC TOF (on-going) High statistics data: –Au+Au 200 GeV (2004) –Cu+Cu 200 GeV (2005) –p+p 200 GeV (2005,2006) Lower beam energy data: –Au+Au 62 GeV (2004) –Cu+Cu 22, 62 GeV (2005) –p+p 62 GeV (2006)
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 10 Outline Current understanding of baryon production at intermediate p T at RHIC from the most recent data (spectra and v 2 ). 1.Onset of baryon enhancement: Beam energy dependence of p/ , R AA (p, p, ). Connection to the SPS energy. 2.Transition from soft to hard process: High p T protons and pions spectra, p/ , R AA (R cp ) in Au+Au/Cu+Cu 200 GeV. 3.Scaling properties of v 2 and quark degrees of freedom: Quark number (NCQ) scaling vs. KE T /n scaling (Au+Au/Cu+Cu). meson v 2. Where is the breaking point of NCQ scaling?
1. s dependence (focused on antiprotons)
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 12 New PID spectra at lower s NN New datasets are now available! Let’s look at p/ ratio as a function of s NN in p+p, Cu+Cu, Au+Au.
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 13 p+p 62.4 GeV, set the baseline for HI data. New PHENIX data agrees with ISR data. * No weak decay feed-down correction applied. s dep. of p/ - ratio (central)
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 14 Cu+Cu 22.5 GeV, p/ ratio in central agrees with p+p. s dep. of p/ - ratio (central)
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 15 Cu+Cu 62.4 GeV, p/ ratio larger than those in p+p and Cu+Cu 22.5 GeV. s dep. of p/ - ratio (central)
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 16 Cu+Cu 200 GeV, similar to those in Cu+Cu 62.4 GeV. s dep. of p/ - ratio (central)
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 17 Au+Au 62 GeV, p/ - is unchanged from Cu+Cu 200 GeV s dep. of p/ - ratio (central)
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 18 Au+Au 200 GeV, p/ - is enhanced. s dep. of p/ - ratio (central)
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 19 Peripheral collisions for all systems Conversing to the same line s dep. of p/ - ratio (peripheral)
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 20 * No weak decay feed-down correction applied. In 22.5 GeV Cu+Cu: weak centrality dependence, p/ - ratios are ~ at p T = 2 GeV/c, which is close to the value in p+p. In 62.4 GeV Cu+Cu: p/ - ratio in central collisions reaches R=~0.6 at p T = 2 GeV/c, decreasing towards the peripheral events. Centrality dep. of p/ - (22 GeV vs. 62 GeV) 0.3
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo p T (GeV/c) Comparison with SPS data 0.25 Pb+Pb 17.2 GeV (central) T. Schuster, A. Laszlo (NA49) nucl-ex/ SPS Pb+Pb: consistent with Cu+Cu 22.5 GeV p/ .
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 22 Increasing as a function of s. Indicates the onset of baryon enhancement is in between 22 GeV and 62 GeV. * No weak decay feed-down correction applied. p/ - ratio (central): summary
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 23 s NN dep. R AA for antiprotons (by ISR fit) Used ISR data at 23 GeV and 63 GeV (Alper. NPB 100, 237) for p+p reference. Similar R AA for all three systems. * Note: p+p 62.4 GeV p+p data has been measured by PHENIX, still working on the trigger bias and cross section seen in the detector. Here we use ISR fit to obtain R AA. * No weak decay feed-down correction applied.
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 24 s NN dep. R AA for charged pions (by ISR fit) Error notations: - Error bars: statistical error for HI spectra - Boxes: 1) sys. error for p+p reference. 2) sys. error for HI spectra. - Lines: N coll error (1 .) Used ISR fit (nucl- ex/ , D. d’Enteria) for p+p parameterization. Moderate suppression for Au+Au 62.4 GeV. Greater than unity for Cu+Cu 62/22 GeV (p T > 2.0 GeV/c). * No weak decay feed-down correction applied.
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 25 0 at 22.5 GeV (centrality dep.) Little centrality dependence Baldo Sahlmüller (QM06)
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 26 SPS (17 GeV) vs. RHIC (22 GeV) Same behavior for similar N part (63 at WA98, 67.8 at PHENIX) Blattnig parameterization used for WA98 data (S. Blattnig et. al., Phys.Rev. D62 (2000) / D. D’Enterria, Phys. Lett. B 596 (2004) 32)) Baldo Sahlmüller (QM06)
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 27 0 R AA vs. s NN D. d’Enterria, nucl-ex/
2. High p T protons, and transition from soft to hard process
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 29 -p/ ( p/ ) ratios turn over at intermediate p T, and be close to the value of fragmentation expectation at high p T. - Strong centrality dependence. -Comparing with p+p data: indicating a transition from soft to hard at intermediate p T. - No weak decay feed-down correction applied. - p+p data (PRC 74, (2006)) p/ in Au+Au 200 GeV Masahiro Konno (QM06)
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 30 - Baryon enhancement in Cu+Cu at 200 GeV too. - p T dependence in Cu+Cu is similar to that in Au+Au. p/ in Cu+Cu 200 GeV PHENIX preliminary Masahiro Konno (QM06)
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 31 Transition from soft to hard STAR, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) p/ PHENIX preliminary Masahiro Konno (QM06) Baryon enhancement occurs in the p T region from GeV/c. Recombination modes with hard component reproduce the data.
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 32 STAR, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) M. Konno (HQ06) R cp in Au+Au 200 GeV R cp R cp data also show that baryon enhancement is in the limited pT range (p T = GeV/c).
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 33 PHENIX preliminary R AA (Au+Au 200 GeV) Masahiro Konno (QM06)
3. Scaling properties of v 2
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo GeV Au+Au min. bias (0 – 80%) NCQ Scaling for v 2 Deviation from perfect scaling: Imperfections of recombination approach? Wrong scaling variable? Different hadronization mechanism? Gluon degrees of freedom plays a role? B. Müller, R. Fries, S Bass, Phys. Lett. B618, (2005) P. Sorensen, QM2005 PHENIX o PHENIX
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 36 Essence: all particles originate from a common velocity field. Elliptic flow scales with KE T up to KE T ~1 GeV for all particle types, which indicates hydrodynamic behavior. Clear Baryon/Meson splitting at KE T ~1 GeV, a hint of quark degrees of freedom become apparent at higher KE T. Transverse Kinetic Energy Scaling Scaling breaks Baryons scale together Mesons scale together PHENIX preliminary = m T – m PHENIX, nucl-ex/ (submitted to PRL) Pressure gradients flow kinetic energy
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 37 Apparent quark number scaling works over extended range of KE T /n. Hadron mass scaling at low KE T /n (< 1 GeV) is preserved. Consistent with quark degrees of freedom in the initial flowing matter. Transverse Kinetic Energy Scaling PHENIX, nucl-ex/ (submitted to PRL) PHENIX preliminary
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 38 KE T /n scaling works for the full measured range with deviation less than 10% from the universal scaling curve Simple NCQ scaling works only at 20% level for p T >2 GeV/c, and breaks below with clear systematic dependence on the mass. PHENIX Preliminary NCQ vs. KE T /n scaling
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 39 KE T /n scaling observed across centralities. Centrality dep. of KE T /n scaling in Au+Au 200 GeV Arkadij Taranenko (QM06)
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 40 KE T /n scaling in “Cu+Cu” 200 GeV Arkadij Taranenko (QM06) KE T /n scaling also works in Cu+Cu 200 GeV.
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 41 v 2 vs KE T is a good way to see if v 2 for the follows that for mesons or baryons. v 2 /n vs KE T /n scaling clearly works for mesons as well. v 2 of meson (Au+Au 200 GeV) Arkadij Taranenko (QM06)
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 42 Though the statistical errors are too large, it seems to be incompatible with the KE T /n scaling at SPS. p, Λ - C. Alt et al (NA49), nucl-ex/ K 0 s (preliminary) - G. Stefanek (NA49), nucl-ex/ KE T /n scaling of v SPS Presented by Arkadij Taranenko (QM06)
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 43 Summary Onset of baryon enhancement: –p/ - ratio s indicate that an onset of baryon enhancement could be in between 22 GeV and 62 GeV. Transition from soft to hard: –High statistics, high p T PID spectra data (with detector upgrades) in Au+Au/Cu+Cu 200 GeV have been measured. –Transition from soft to hard: p T = GeV/c from p/ and R cp (R AA ). –Provides further constrain to the models. Quark’s degrees of freedom: –Scaling of transverse kinetic energy with quark number (KE T /n) for v2 works well at RHIC in a wide range of centrality, for both Au+Au/Cu+Cu. –SPS v2 seems to be incompatible with KE T /n scaling. Outlook: –Run-7 (2007): Au+Au 200 GeV In PHENIX, “high p T PID upgrade project” has been completed, ready to take first physics data in Run-7. J/ v2 with new the new reaction plane detector. –PID jet correlations “Jet induced p- p pair productions” (PHENIX, nucl-ex/ ), still challenging for the coherent quark recombination picture. –Lower energy data scan (RHIC-II).
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 44 Backup Slides
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 45 s NN dep. of p/ + ratio (central) decreasing as a function of s. * No weak decay feed-down correction applied.
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 46 R AA for protons (by ISR fit) Used ISR data at 63 GeV (Alper. NPB 100, 237) for p+p reference. Largest R AA for Cu+Cu 22.5 GeV. R AA for Au+Au 62.4 GeV is smaller than that in Cu+Cu 62.4 GeV. * No weak decay feed-down correction applied.
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 47 Reference data (p+p 62.4 GeV) p+p parameterization at 62.4 GeV: Fit to existing (ISR) data at similar energies (D.d'Enterria. J.Phys.G31, S491 (2005))
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 48 Reference data (p+p 62.4 GeV) Problem: data sets inconsistent => large error
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 49 Reference data (p+p 22.5 GeV) p+p parameterization at 22.4 GeV: Fit to existing data at similar energies (D.d'Enterria. J.Phys.G31, S491 (2005))
sQGP Mini-Workshop (2007. Feb. Nagoya University, T.Chujo 50 Phenix preliminary NOTE: No weak decay feed-down correction applied. TOF (<3 GeV/c) ACC (>3 GeV/c) GeV/c GeV/c GeV/c GeV/c GeV/c Masahiro Konno (QM06)