Outline STAR BES Results BES runs and STAR general Charged Meson and Freeze-out Conditions Flow E-by-E ALICE Recent Results ALICE general Particle Production RHIC vs. LHC Freeze-out Volume Particle Ratios Flow Jet Quenching Miscellaneous.. 2 IKYoo for HIM
STAR BES Beam Energy Scan Signature of Onset Critical Point T-mB scan Looking for anomalies testing theories RHIC vs. LHC 3 IKYoo for HIM
PID at STAR 5 IKYoo for HIM
K/ , , vs. E CM 6 Excellent agreement with SPS results IKYoo for HIM
Freeze-Out Conditions 7 Statistical model fit to , K, p Excellent agreements with pub.data Clear centrality dependence of T IKYoo for HIM
KK 8 R CP in E CM dependence /K ratio vs. theories IKYoo for HIM
Flow (v 2 ) of Charged Hadrons 9 IKYoo for HIM
Integrated v 2 vs. E CM 10 BES results fill gap between NA49 and 200GeV/u IKYoo for HIM
Particle – Antiparticle v2 11 IKYoo for HIM
Particle – Antiparticle v2 12 IKYoo for HIM
v 2 /ncq scaling 13 ncq-scaling for all particles holds up to 7.7 GeV -meson results deviates from others at 11.5 GeV IKYoo for HIM
K(p)/ E-by-E fluctuations 14 (p/ ): monotonic increase s(K/p): almost constant ; disagree with NA49 IKYoo for HIM
16 IKYoo for HIM
ALICE Data 17 IKYoo for HIM
Particle Production in pp/PbPb 18 IKYoo for HIM
RHIC vs. LHC 19 The same experiment under vastly different conditions IKYoo for HIM
System-size dependence vs. Theories 20 identical variation of particle production with system-size at RHIC and LHC Global features of the system : independent on collision Energy IKYoo for HIM
Freeze-out Volume : Source-size 21 IKYoo for HIM
Identified particle spectra 22 much harder spectra inv.slope parameter expanding T IKYoo for HIM
Particle Ratios vs. Thermal model 23 Similar temperature as at RHIC, T CH ~ 164MeV IKYoo for HIM
Elliptic flows 24 mass dependence due to the radial flow viscous hydro predictions describe the data similar to RHIC : hydro+UrQMD (rescattering) for antiproton IKYoo for HIM
Jet quenching 25 IKYoo for HIM
RAA in- vs. out-of-plane 26 IKYoo for HIM
Flavor dependence 27 IKYoo for HIM
Flavor dependence 28 IKYoo for HIM
J/Psi RAA 29 Contribution from B is not substracted ; Cold nuclear matter effect at RHIC vs. LHC ; needed IKYoo for HIM
UPC with ALICE 30 IKYoo for HIM
UPC with ALICE 31 IKYoo for HIM
UPC with ALICE 32 IKYoo for HIM
Anti-Alpha with ALICE 33 IKYoo for HIM
Conclusions and Outlook 34 Excellent agreements of STAR BES results with NA49 Scanning and Filling up the gap between SPS and RHIC Even more strongly interacting matter at LHC than RHIC? Rich data with high precisions and PID to be continued pA program at LHC? What to be expected at 5.5TeV in 2014? IKYoo for HIM