VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration
October The information in this documentation includes functionality of the software after the installation of patch MAG*3.0*59. Users who have questions about the VistA Imaging software may send an to the VistA Imaging Education Project Managers at:
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October To select a specific topic, click the corresponding link: User Preferences Workstation Parameters System Manager Options Help file Options To view all information, press ENTER to continue.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October Logon by clicking the VistA Imaging Capture or Display icon on your desktop or by clicking Start, Programs, VistA Imaging Programs, VistA Imaging Capture or Display.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October Or, you can open CPRS select a patient and click Tools, VistA Imaging Capture or Display.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October After entering a valid VistA Access and Verify code, the Image Capture window will be displayed. This is an example of a “generic” workstation configuration.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October User Preferences This section deals with settings which can be selected and modified by an individual user. Any items which are contained under the Options menu are saved to each persons profile in VistA. This means that those settings will be the same, or that they will “follow” the user, at any workstation the individual logs on to.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October The options under the File menu are self-explanatory and have not changed from previous versions of the software.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October These are the choices under the Options menu.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October These options have not changed. More detailed information about these options may be obtained by clicking HELP on the main toolbar.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October The Import Directory Options is located under the main Options menu and under the Import Options menu. Additional information about the Import Directories may be found in the VistA Imaging Capture via Import document.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October The Select Files to Import option will display the directory and files of images to select for importing to the patients’ record.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October The Visit Location option displays the default value choices which can be selected when creating new progress notes.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October The Icon/ShortCut Key Legend option will display four different tabs as seen here and on the next slide.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October Workstation Parameters This section deals with settings which are specific to a particular workstation. Any items which are contained under the Tools menu and the Configurations menu are saved to the workstation and will not “follow” the individual user. It should be noted that multiple workstations can be set up with identical configurations in the interest of accuracy and consistency if the tasks being performed at the workstations are the same. The VistA Imaging coordinator can assist in setting up multiple workstations with specific configurations.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October These options have not changed from previous versions of the software. Although there is no new functionality included in Patch MAG*3.0*59 for these options, basic information regarding the Configurations menu is being provided.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October To create Configuration buttons for the workstation click the following options.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October The Workstation configuration editor window is the same as in previous versions of the software. To create a configuration button a selection must be made from each group, such as Source, Format, etc.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October In this example the Source is Twain window, Format is Document (1 bit TIF G4 FAX), Mode is OnLine (Live), Association is Progress Note, and Images Saved as is Single Image. To save these settings and create a button, click the Save Settings As button.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October Save the settings by entering a name for the button.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October This is an example of creating a button for a Clinical image associated with the Patient only.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October This is an example of creating and saving the settings for a button called Administrative Document.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October This is an example of creating a button for Importing a Single Image.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October There are two ways to display a list of Configuration buttons. One is from the Workstation Configuration Editor window. The other is from the menu option.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October This is an example of the Configuration List which displays the items in the order in which they were created.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October It is now possible to re-order the buttons. To do so, click the Configuration column header as shown here, then click Close. Click Yes to save the new order. The configuration buttons are now displayed alphabetically :
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October New functionality allows the user to “drag-and-drop” a configuration button to another location on the toolbar. In this example the Progress Note button could be moved by left-clicking and dragging the button to the desired location.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October To create multiple lines of configuration buttons right-click an existing button and select Multi-Line Config Buttons. Or, from the Toolbars menu option, select the choice shown here.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October This is an example of the settings associated with the Progress Note configuration button.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October Hold Values can be placed on Index Fields by using the menu option or by right-clicking on an Index field title.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October In order to save specific Index Field choices (such as using Hold Values) to a Configuration button, click Save Configuration and enter a name for the new button.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October System Manager Options This section deals with settings which are workstation specific and can only be selected and modified by an individual who holds the MAG SYSTEM security key. This option will not be displayed to individuals who do not hold this security key.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October The options under the System Manager menu have not changed from previous versions of the software.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October To configure a workstation select the System Manager option and Workstation Configuration Editor. The settings from this option are saved in the MAG308.ini file on the workstation and should only be modified from this menu option. It is strongly advised that text editors not be used to modify this file.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October Button/Field Options: The CreateDefaultImageDesc option allows the Image Description index field to be filled in with the title of the Progress Note or the name of the Procedure that is associated with the capture. It is suggested that this be set to True. To change the settings of an item, double-click it, or single click and choose the options at the bottom of the screen.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October The Demo Options are not functional. They may be removed in a future version of the software.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October It is suggested that all of these items be set to TRUE and use the VistA Security keys to control the capability to capture images. (Hint: right-click in the Image Association area and choose the option to set all choices to TRUE) A Default value must be set.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October Select the Image Formats which will be needed for a particular workstation and set these values to TRUE. If a particular format will not be used set the values to FALSE.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October It is suggested that these default values not be changed. Additional new features related to the Import Directory are detailed in the Capture Via Import document.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October Select the items needed for capturing images on the workstation and set the values to TRUE. Remember to select a Default value.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October If the scanner being used is capable of capturing 8-bit (256 colors) images, set this value to TRUE.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October It is suggested that LoginOnStartup be set to TRUE.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October If the VistA Medicine package is being used at the site, these options can be set. For more detailed information, see the HELP files.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October To view images from a remote site on the workstation, this value must be TRUE.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October It is suggested that the Default value be set to SINGLE.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October Do not make any modifications to the VISTAMUSE settings.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October If a MUSE system is in use, set this value to TRUE to view MUSE images on the workstation.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October If you have made any changes to the settings, click the Save icon.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October The options under the Image menu are: Another way to display these options is to right-click on the image displayed in the capture window. These are the same image manipulation tools as the buttons located directly above the Capture window.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October The Contents option will redirect the user to an on-line Help program. For additional information select the Help menu.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October Users may also select Use Internet Explorer for help to view the HELP files. Click Contents after selecting the Internet Explorer option.
VistA Imaging Workstation Configuration October Additional information resources related to VistA Imaging: VistA Imaging Training Home Page: Health Systems Design & Development Imaging System Home Page: Health Information Management Scanning Home Page: