Georgia herbaria: Problems and progress Michelle L. Zjhra Georgia Southern University Herbarium (GAS)
Problems & Progress Lack of Awareness/Value Initiate Outreach Tree Smarts
Problems & Progress Lack of Awareness/Value Initiate Outreach Web-based Curriculum
Problems & Progress Lack of Awareness/Value Initiate Outreach Outdoor modules
Problems & Progress Lack of Awareness/Value Campus Outreach Large bulletin boards
Problems & Progress Lack of Funds Identify funding opportunities and adapt to herbarium “Herbarium Services”
Problems & Progress Lack of Staff Use students: volunteers, work study, small grant- supported grad students
Problems & Progress Lack of Facilities Use specimens in the classroom (in plastic sleeves) Flora of Georgia Biogeography
Problems & Progress Lack of Institutional Support Use comparative data from SERNEC for leverage Partner with other herbaria