hilarity Noun: boisterous merriment –Adjective: hilarious –Adverb: hilariously Sample sentences: –The inane antics of the Three stooges produced hilarity in their audience. –I don’t care for slapstick comedy, but some people find it hilarious. (Hint: Picture Hilary Clinton laughing.) 31
tenacious Adjective: persevering, not letting go –Noun: tenacity –Adjective: tenable –Adverb: tenaciously Related words: attenuate, extend, extenuating, tenure, tenuous (Latin adjective tenuis, “thin” is related to Latin words for “stretch” and “hold.”) Sample sentences: –Despite many setbacks, his tenacious efforts eventually paid off. –I admire his tenacity; he never gives up. (Hint: Ten Asian countries cannot be pulled apart.) 32
indifferent Adjective: uncaring, neutral Sample sentences: –The judge was indifferent to his pleas for clemency. –The universe is neither hostile nor friendly; it is simply indifferent. (Hint: If it makes no difference, no one cares.) 33
acquiescent Adjective: giving easy agreement –Noun: acquiescence –Adverb: acquiescently Sample sentences: –He was too acquiescent to question authority. –A murmur of acquiescence from the assembly indicated their agreement to the proposal. –She did as she was told acquiescently. (Hint: Accord + QUIETly.) 34
denounce Verb: to condemn something –Noun: denunciation Sample sentences: –The speaker loudly denounced the government’s actions. –The corrupt politician was thoroughly humiliated by his public denunciation. (Hint: Like announce, but bad.) 35
relevant Adjective: pertinent to the matter at hand –Noun: relevance –Related word: irrelevant Sample sentences: –The magazine was relevant to my interests, so I subscribed. –The skeptical audience questioned the relevance of his example. –The digression was interesting, but irrelevant. (Hint: My relative, an aunt, is important.) 36
enigma Noun: a mystery –Adjective: enigmatic Sample sentences: –The contents of the safe remain an enigma; no one knows what lies within. –Her enigmatic smile revealed nothing. (Hint: It is a mystery what “enigma” means.) 37
virulent Adjective: poisonous or malignant –Noun: virulence Sample sentences: –A virulent attack on Facebook left her reputation in tatters. –The virulence of her words shocked me; I had no idea she hated me so intensely. (Hint: Thin of a virulent virus.) 38
repudiate Verb: to reject or disown Sample sentence: –She repudiated the accusations. –AA helped him to repudiate alcohol. –I utterly repudiate all use of profanity. (Hint: He rejected the pudding.) 39
didactic Adjective: meant to instruct –Adverb: didactically –Related word: autodidact (self-taught) Sample sentences: –His dull, didactic approach to the subject allowed no room for questions. –He addressed the room didactically, as if he knew more than the rest of us and had only to explain the truth. (Hint: Didi always acts like she is teaching.) 40
incessant Adjective: continual, unceasing Related words: cease, process, recess, access Sample sentences: –We live with the incessant noise of the city. (Hint: In means not, plus cess sounds like cease.) 41
superficial Adjective: shallow Sample sentences: –She was so superficial all she cared about was cosmetics. –His wounds were merely superficial and did not require treatment. –The essay was so good, it required only superficial changes. (Hint: Think of a fish so foolish it swims above the surface of the water.) 42
supercilious Adjective: snobbish, sneering, snide Sample sentences: –He curled his lip in a supercilious sneer. (Hint: Think of superior people who act silly trying to show off.) 43
infamous Adjective: notorious, famous in a bad way –Noun: infamy Sample sentences: –He was infamous for the lies he told. –“December 7, a date which will live in infamy.” (Hint: Think of bad fame.) 44
lucid Adjective: crystal clear, capable of thinking and speaking clearly –Noun: lucidity –Adverb: lucidly Related words: translucent, elucidate Sample sentences: –Despite the concussion, he appeared to be lucid. –His lucid explanation swept away the enigma. (Hint: luc is a Latin root meaning “light.” In the light, we see clearly. Lucifer, a name for the devil, means “Light-bearer,” the name he had before he fell from Heaven.) 45