Senior Design Team 181
Team: Ryan Williams (EE) Jonathan Wolff (EE) Damon Soto (EE) Jason Meyer (EE) Advisor: Helena Silva (ECE) Trans-Tek Contacts: Mark Bennett Jeffrey Gladu
Trans-Tek Background Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDTs) Current Oscillator/Demodulator Models Goals Oscillator Demodulator Timeline Budget
Founded in 1967 Located in Ellington, CT Leading manufacturer of Linear and Angular Displacement, and Linear Velocity Transducers Use Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDTs) Applications in position and velocity sensing
Consists of a 3-part transformer Secondary coils wired in subtractive configuration Position of core determines output voltage Linear relationship between core position and output voltage
Hardware circuit that converts a DC signal to an AC signal. Frequency of the oscillator is determined by a RC combination, looking for a range of 1.5 to 12.5 kHz. Output voltage determined by a resistor, looking for 1 to 6 VRMS. Need to make an oscillator with almost no harmonic distortion.
Can be performed using a hardware circuit or DSP Hardware Circuit No coding required Same process used in current models DSP Easier to modify and tune More accurate No circuit components needed
Input impedance of 1MΩ or higher 4 separate selectable output ranges Ripple voltage less than 0.2% Non-linearity less than 0.03% Temperature coefficient best effort (± 1%)
SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay Meet with Sponsor Project Statement Project Specs Proposal Presentations Research Parts Written Proposal Schematic Order Parts Protoboard Build Final Presentation Final Report Debug PCB Build
Flexible PCB Microcontroller LVDTs Proto Board for experiments 0.7 inch tubing Component parts for the Ocillator/Demodulator Other Parts TBD