New SUB Improvements Derek Moore
Outcomes 1.Approve New SUB Committee Motion – “BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct that the budget for the New SUB Project be increased from $ million to $ million, and direct the President and the VP Administration to ask the University to amend the financing agreements to reflect this.” 2.Inform
Introduction Brief History – Financing Agreements Current Stance – Scope – Renovation Contingency
The Ask $3.5 million scope $1.9 loan increase to students $0.8 increase in down payment $0.8 saved on construction financing
Solution Increase AMS Capital Contribution by $3.5m – How? Δ Student Enrolment – Impact Books: Less on UBC Loan, None on AMS Operating, Increase for Students Overall Repayment Term: Shorter by 8 years – For sure? Projected/Confirmed by: AMS, UBC Treasury Supported by UBC Executives Pending BoG
Why? Art Installations Operational Efficiencies Collaborative AMS Offices Brewpub -> Entrepreneur Centre Re-Imagined Pit PUB and Perch Sustainability Demonstration
Items ItemAmount Architectural improvements$800,000 Mechanical & Electrical upgrades$500,000 Business Efficiency Improvements$230,000 Small wares$600,000 Club improvements$50,000 Entrepreneur Centre$200,000 Sustainability monitoring system$25,000 Art projects$110,000 Vermicomposting$15,000 Bio-digestor$45,000 People counters for business analytics$50,000 AMS Contingency$75,000 Increase Project Contingency$800,000 Total$3,500,000
Questions? Outcomes Issue History Amount Finance Solution The List “BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct that the budget for the New SUB Project be increased from $ million to $ million, and direct the President and the VP Administration to ask the University to amend the financing agreements to reflect this.”