1 Evaluation and practical application of BREF in the Flemish textile industry Index cards of BAT Ilse De Vreese Bucharest COST 628, WG1 (17/03/05)
2 background IPPC directive: July 2003: Best Available Techniques REFerence document for Textiles Industry available via: companies with production capacity of 10 ton/d should produce according to BREF by 30/10/07
3 difficulties BREF document: 624 pages not available in Dutch result of information exchange on European level SME’s and big companies: volume and language: threshold implementation of BREF in Flemish companies with their specific processes and market segments
4 PRESTI project Flemish programme: PREvention STImulation project BREF as tool to encourage companies to control their impact on the environment end product: Manual for practical implementation of the BREF document in the Flemish textile finishing companies “translated” index cards: into Dutch and compared (or translated) to the situation in Flanders initiatives for announcing and use of this Manual (companies and government)
5 gather information selection of 10 companies: from small to big commission finishers and integrated companies raw materials: natural and synthetic make up: yarn, fabric, knitwear, carpet batch, continuous processing end product: interior, clothing, technical, intermediates
6 BREF document chapter 5 (together with chapter 4): Generic BAT Process integrated measures: textile finishing and carpet industry pretreatment dyeing printing finishing washing Effluent treatment
7 kind of information to what extent the BAT are applicated advantages (economical and ecological) per technique reason why a techniques is much, little or not applicated conflicts between application of BAT and obligations in exploitation permit conditions for application of BAT in Flemish companies: size of company, importance of activity, … alternatives to BAT used in Flemish companies focus on prevention or end of pipe techniques
8 manual Best Available Techniques divided in: general process product
12 dissemination organisation of 3 workshops for companies: environmental coordinator production responsible importance of IPPC and BREF how to use the index cards stimulation to use the index cards in the companies
13 dissemination organisation of 2 workshops for the government: people involved in the writing of permits and sectoral norms for discharge of wastewater image of the sector and typical products / processes in Flanders how to use the index cards stimulation to use the index cards in the writing of obligations in the permits