Phonetic warming up
ВЫБЕРИТЕ СЛОВА ПО ТЕМЕ «ДОМ, КВАРТИРА». A sofa, travelling, bookshelves, a carpet, dinner, pictures, curtains, a TV set, an armchair, weather, flowers, a fountain, a wardrobe, a doghouse, a vacuum cleaner, a bed, a refrigerator, a washing machine, seasons, a dishwasher, chairs, cupboards.
What is this? A room with a bath.An armchair for 2 or 3 people.
What is this? You watch it at home.A place to eat.
What is this? A table to write. Кто ходит ночь и ходит день, Не зная, что такое лень?
What is this? Есть спина, а не лежит. Четыре ноги, а не ходит. Но всегда стоит И всем сидеть велит. Поля стеклянны, межи деревянны.
Speech warming up
Our tasks: talk about rooms and things in them;learn prepositions of place;train the construction there is/there are.
Fill in is or are. 1. There … three rooms in our flat. 2. … there any books on your desk? 3. What … there under the table? 4. There … a small table with a tape recorder on it in my room. 5. How many programmes … there on your TV?
in the middle of – по середине in front of – перед, впереди in the corner of – на углу opposite - напротив next to - рядом behind – позади, сзади between - между in - в on - на
Предложения с there is\there are мы переводим на русский язык с конца. Сначала мы скажем, ГДЕ находится предмет, а потом – ЧТО это за предмет. Как правильно перевести? There is a nice carpet in the middle of the living room. В середине гостиной лежит красивый ковер.
FILL IN THE PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE. 1.The pictures are … the wall. 2.The telephone is … the bed. 3.The carpet is … the floor. 4.Our room is comfortable because there are nice curtains … the window. 5.There isn’t a wardrobe … my room.
FILL IN THE MISSING WORDS. 1. There are some bookshelves … the wall. a) in b) between c) on 2. There is a bed, a wardrobe, a desk and a chair … my room. a) on b) in c) near 3. A big colourful carpet is … the room. a) in the middle of b) next to c) between 4. There are pink curtains … the window. a) opposite b) on c) between 5. There are a lot of posters … the walls and a stereo … the shelf. a) on b) at c) in