Welcome to Year 1
Ms. Greener Class 1G Miss Lloyd Class 1L Mrs Currell Mrs Grisdale Mrs Spillane Mrs Cooper Mrs Proud Mrs Markowicz
Moving from Reception to Year 1 What are the main differences? A more structured morning More independent work Snack time Homework Spellings and High Frequency Words Phonics groups Starting to learn French
Reading in School Guided Reading is timetabled 4 days a week. Reading takes place in small groups. Reading focuses on decoding the texts. Children will be using inference and deduction.
Reading at Home The books read in class are different to those taken home. You MUST read with your child every night. Remember to sign and date the reading record. If the books are not signed consistently: note, letter, teacher meeting.
Reading at home We will change the home reading books on Monday, Wednesday and Friday if your child’s reading record has been signed. You can re- read the same book on the second evening or spend time talking about the book and asking lots of questions.
Find a quiet, relaxing place away from distractions. Sit comfortably in a good light. Talk to your child about their book. Read for about 10 minutes a day. Look at the pictures, such as the cover and title. Be supportive and positive during reading time.
HOMEWORK IN YEAR 1 When? – Homework comes home on Fridays and must be returned on Wednesday. Where? – The children have two folders; one for their phonics homework and one for their maths homework. They also have a small red book for their spelling words. It will all be put in their book bags on Friday. What? – Spellings, Phonics, Maths and Talk homework. RE homework is sent home once every half term instead of the phonics homework.
Homework in September We will start with maths homework and talk homework this week (Friday 11 th September.) Phonics homework will be introduced next week (Friday 18 th September.) Spellings will be introduced in the third week (Friday 25 th September.)
EXPECTATIONS Homework helps to reinforce the learning that we have done in school that week. Please help your child to get into a good routine of completing it and handing it in. It is school policy that any homework that is handed in late will not be marked.
GENERAL POINTS Behaviour - We have high expectations of behaviour and use positive reinforcement to encourage this at all times. The children are aware of the consequences of inappropriate behaviour and know about the red and yellow card system. Attendance – doors open at 8.45am to ensure a prompt start. Your child will be marked as late in the register if they arrive after 8.55am.
Drop-off and pick up Please drop your child off at the door (by the play ground). Do not use the internal door. Now that the children are in Year 1 we want them to be independent and come in by themselves and put their own belongings away. Staff are available to help them if needed. We are happy to answer questions after school except on Wednesday when we have our staff meeting.
Uniform and PE kit Please make sure that each piece of clothing is LABELLED with your child’s name. Nail varnish is not allowed in school. PE lessons are on Wednesdays and Fridays for both classes. PE kits must be labelled and in school all week. They can be taken home at half term. Your child will not be able to participate in the lesson without it.
GENERAL POINTS Parent helpers – we really appreciate any help in the classroom. Please let us know if you can help. Water bottles – it is important for your child to have a named WATER bottle.
Year 1 WRITING Your child needs to be able to write in simple sentences which convey meaning. They should be able to use punctuation with some accuracy. They should be forming their letters correctly and starting to join some letters by the summer term. READING They should be reading turquoise books by the time they leave Year 1. They should understand what they have read and be able to answer questions about the book. They should be able to predict what they think will happen next in a story. MATHEMATICS They should be able to solve simple problems involving addition and subtraction. Know number bonds to 20. Be able to write number sentences. They should have an understanding of numbers to 100. Simple fractions Phonics screening check
Dates for your diary Whole school Mass Monday 14 th September a.m. Feeling creative? Please come into school and help your child make a memory box as part of our new topic. Class 1L Thursday 24 th September 1.30 p.m. Class 1G Friday 25 th September 1.30 p.m. We realise that many parents work so if you are unable to come into that school a grandparent/ auntie/ uncle could help. Monday 28 th September 7 – 8 p.m. Phonics and reading workshop for Key Stage 1 parents.
And one more thing….. Please be aware that this year Catholic schools have different Easter holiday dates from non-faith schools. St. Philip Howard finish on Thursday 24 th March return on Tuesday 12 th April