North Penn Visitation December 21, 2010
Penndale Middle School
Our host: Ted Heller
No, Really: Ted in action, encouraging a flute player…
Music Offerings Grades 7-8 Student must take band, chorus, orchestra or exploring music (general) in 7th & 8th. 2 times in 6 day cycle. Instrumental also gets one pullout lesson in 6 days
Music Offerings Grade 9 9th grade Performing groups: Music major 3 time; Music minor 2 times. Plus a pull- out lesson. Every day the group make up flexes as different groups cycle through. Orchestra meets all together Exploring Music elective taught with Art
Instrumental Grading In lessons: music test- two songs get tested randomly Scales and exercises Lose 10 points if lesson is missed (exception with a note from classroom teacher)
Chorus Chorus does not have sectional lessons Many classes and smaller class sizes. Each grade has a separate concert.
Jazz Band and Wind Ensemble Entry by audition in October Jazz meets one evening a week Wind Ensemble one morning a week
Exploring Music Seen twice a cycle. 3 groups all year long. 7th grade- elements of music 8th grade- music history from middle ages to the 20th century 9th grade- 20th century to current events
Keyboard Lab 16 Consoles Main Hub Can listen & talk to students Cakewalk software
Concerts 2 per year for Band Chorus and Orchestra 3 for Wind Ensemble Jazz Band – numerous performances from February – June Combined rehearsals – one evening before each concert
Specialty Instruments Tuba, Bassoon, Oboe, French Horn Students pulled from other instruments Lessons in ‘special’ group
Doublers In 9 th Grade only Exceptions - IEP
Random Additional Info Staff development at Montco Methods books- none in 7th & 8th grade; in 9th grade No boosters at the middle school level Supportive administration Coverage/duty- depends Televised the assemblies for the school to see from their classrooms
Random Additional Info 4 ½ at one middle school 2 band; 1 chorus, 1 gm, ½ orchestra Orchestra person there every afternoon
The Band Room
Band Room
Band Office
Back Stage