Welcome to the Fruita 8/9 School
I ROAR Integrity Respect Ownership Achievement Responsibility
Welcome to the Fruita 8/9 School Cristal Loehr, Principal Beth Sass, Asst. Principal (A-K) Jason Plantiko, Asst. Principal (L-Z) Judi Weber, Counselor (A-K) Colleen Stabolepszy, Counselor (L-Z)
All social activities are planned by our student senate. These events include dances (after school & evening), homecoming events, spring fling, etc. Social Activities
School Advisory Council The Fruita 8/9 School Advisory Council is for parents who want to be involved in the school goal setting process and to learn more about Fruita 8/9 programs. The committee meets once a month on the 1 st Thursday of the month at 6pm in the school library. All parents are invited and encouraged to attend.
Ice Cream & Building Tour Tuesday, April 23 6pm Fruita 8/9 School
8 th Grade Curriculum Language Arts (95 minute block) US History Physical Science or GeoPhysical Science (honors) Math Electives Honors courses are offered in the above subject areas.
Electives Beginning Band, Guitar, Symphonic or Concert Band, Jazz Band, Choir, Orchestra, Art, Drama, Computers, Computer Graphics, Teen Living, Spanish, French, German, Agriculture, PE, Technical Education
High School Credit 8 th grade students can take selected high school classes for high school credit Spanish, German, French Math 1 GeoPhysical Science You will receive a form their freshman year to choose if you want the credit on the high school transcript.
R.E.C.S. R.E.C.S. (Reading, Enrichment, Careers, Study) All students will attend the RECS class 5th period Throughout the week during RECS students hear daily announcements, spend time in silent sustained reading, collaboratively build common knowledge, work on written communication skills, and receive academic support. Additionally, study skills, course planning, and career exploration/planning are covered.
Sample Student Schedule Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter Language Arts Block Band 5 RECS/Lunch US History Math 8 Physical Science Tech Ed PE Electives are 18 weeks long.
To Register 1. Take the registration form and course catalog home to your parents 2. Discuss your options with your parents, fill out the form, and be sure your parents sign it 3. Bring it back to school on Wednesday. Beware: forms received late will be scheduled at a later date