2-3 April 2001HEPSYSMAN Oxford Particle Physics Site Report Pete Gronbech Systems Manager
2-3 April 2001HEPSYSMAN Goals and Objectives l Flexibility on the Desktop (Low cost Seats) n Access to networked services (X, http, IMAP) n Access to PC Applications n Reduce management overheads n Reduce costs l Servers provide Compute power n Central Servers for UNIX, VMS, Mail & Web n Compatibility with CERN / DESY / Fermilab n Provide Code development environments
2-3 April 2001HEPSYSMAN The Server / Desktop Divide NT PC Unix Workstation Desktops Servers General Purpose Unix Server VMS Server Mail Server Web Server NT Server
2-3 April 2001HEPSYSMAN Status l General Setup remains the same with NT PC’s on the Desktop and Various UNIX/VMS/NT servers in the Computer Room. l Super Janet 4 connection: 622Mbs (limited by Firewall to 100Mbs ) Campus backbone: Gigabit Ethernet Department Connected: 100Mbs Internal Physics : 10 /100Mbs switched l Server Strategy - Heavy use of remote compute farms, Local CPU will be provided by Intel Linux systems. Digital Unix systems and legacy VMS systems.
2-3 April 2001HEPSYSMAN Network Access Campus Backbone Router Super Janet 4 Just upgraded to 622Mb/s; OUCS firewall to be upgraded to 1Gbps speed shortly OUCS Firewall depts Physics Firewall Physics Backbone Switch 100Mb/s 1Gb/s 100Mb/s Backbone Edge Router depts 100Mb/s depts 100Mb/s Backbone Edge Router 1Gb/s
2-3 April 2001HEPSYSMAN al1 Digital 2100 Server 3 CPU’s 512MB RAM 216GB Disks
2-3 April 2001HEPSYSMAN al17 - A Digital Personal Workstation 500au 9 * 50GB disks in the Datasilo
2-3 April 2001HEPSYSMAN Status 2 l Additional CPU is provided by a Digital Alpha 500au. New CPU provided by Linux. Just ordered a dual 800MHz 2GB RAM system for SNO analysis. l Oxford is the ‘Lead site’ for successful CDF_JIF bid, multi-cpu server plus 1 TB store in each CDF institute. Plus larger 2TB store at RAL and even larger at Fermilab. l Server Strategy - IT in general - NT server (6) for desktop file/print, Exchange 5.5 for , IIS 4 for web serving, MS Terminal Server to give NT 4 remote access. l VMS - DAQ systems still important but general purpose service is running down (mail, word processing etc going to NT) l Data Acquisition - LABview on NT for most laboratory DAQ and control (used by wide range of research groups) l Videoconferencing - PC based Intel plus access to ISDN6 Tandberg. MS Netmeeting used frequently to DESY
2-3 April 2001HEPSYSMAN Linux NT PC Unix Workstation Desktops Servers CDF Linux (Dual 400MHz PII) GENERAL RAL Linux Farm Porting Machine Treat Linux as just another Unix and hence a server OS to be managed centrally. Wish to avoid badly managed desktop PC’s running Linux. MINOS Linux/NT DAQ pplx1 Fermi pplx2 RH6.1 ppnt109 RH6.1 SNO Linux CPU Server pplx3 RH6.1
2-3 April 2001HEPSYSMAN Plans and Concerns l Look to replace local compute server with RAID Disk Server and Linux CPU servers. Disk server could be Intel based running NT or Linux but if performance is not sufficient a proprietary solution may be used. l Experience gained with CDF distributed data store will help plan LHC requirements. l Choice of OS/platforms for computation. Clear that this will be Red Hat Linux l NT4 provides all desktop functionality we need. Will look at Windows2000 but no rush (at least for the desktop) l cost of software licensing l MAN POWER