Introduction to Social Work Susan Mankita MSW, LCSW Chapter 22: Social Work and the Future Adapted From Farley, Smith, & Boyle
Professional Maturation Licensure found in EVERY state Social work research is increasingly objective and well respected by other professions More social workers found on professional interdisciplinary teams
Increase in Services More social workers will be needed in the future as Baby boomers retire People are discharged from hospitals “sicker and quicker” Both parents work outside home ???
Professional identification and visibility Who gets to call themselves a social worker? Should the title “social worker” be protected? What are some arguments for and against title protection? What can you do as an individual social worker to improve social work’s visibility?
Spirituality in Social Work Religion vs. Spirituality Question: Is there a place for religion in social work? What role should it play?
Development of the Role of Consultant Many social workers already hired as independent contractors because of the high cost of benefits Social work expertise in understanding groups, organizations and communities as well as individual behavior makes them ideal consultants
Status of the Social Worker Gain in status based on… Respect by other professions for our professional values Many have been helped by SWers
Private Practice Likely to increase Paid by insurance at 75% compared to psychologists Impact of a future with mental health parity Question: Do you favor social workers in private practice? Why or why not?
Case Management A developing field Increasing in popularity Involves provision of resources, and connection with services to assist people in improving their fit with their environments.
Advocacy Role Increasing as families with many challenges find it increasingly difficult to navigate the complex social service systems Opportunities to advocate for individuals, families, groups, communities, society Expansion of Leadership Role Community Organizing Holding Political Office
Improved Public Relations SWPI Campaign Help Starts Here…consumer website Increase in hiring public relations experts How can you, as an individual help improve social work’s public image?
Technology Internet communication increasingly common Services provided via technology Online community as potential environment for service provision
Increase in International Social Work Global Community Many needs in impoverished countries Organizations that encourage social workers to work abroad
Prevention Increase in providing care prior to illness Focus on wellness including alternative treatments Focus on Strengths and Assets
Movement for Higher Quality Total Quality Management Quality becomes primary organizational goal Many social workers in Quality movement