Cisco Discovery Home and Small Business Networking Chapter 2 – Operating Systems Jeopardy Review Darren Shaver – Kubasaki High School – Okinawa, Japan
Start Menu Acronyms Install Type InterfacePotpourri GPL vs. Purchased Basic Settings Final Jeopardy
Answer: Question: Acronyms 100 A GUI. What is a Graphic User Interface?
Answer: Question: Acronyms 200 A NIC. What is a Network Interface Card?
Answer: Question: Acronyms 300 A CLI What is Command Line Interface?
Answer: Question: Acronyms 400 A NOS What is Network Operating System?
Answer: Question: Acronyms 500 A GPL What is a GNU Public License?
Answer: Question: Install Type 100 All data needs to be deleted and applications need to be reinstalled to a badly damaged OS. What is a Clean Installation?
Answer: Question: Install Type 200 This type of install allows you to keep your data but still improve your current OS. What is an Upgrade?
Answer: Question: Install Type 300 This set of hardware will only just allow you to run a particular OS. What is the minimum configuration?
Answer: Question: Install Type 400 This set of hardware will only just allow you to run a particular OS at a slightly higher level. What is the recommended configuration?
Answer: Question: Install Type 500 These three items should be checked to find out if a machine will meet the specs for a new OS. What is a HD space, RAM size, and processor speed and type?
Answer: Question: Interfaces 100 This interface type allows you to move a pointer on the screen. What is a GUI?
Answer: Question: Interfaces 200 This computer interface requires you to type cryptic commands into a window. What is CLI?
Answer: Question: Interfaces 300 Two common OS’s currently in use. What are MS Windows, MacOS, Linux or Unix?
Answer: Question: Interfaces 400 Portion of the OS that interfaces directly with the hardware. What is the Kernel?
Answer: Question: Interfaces 500 Portion of the computer OS that interfaces with applications and the user. What is the shell ?
Answer: Question: Potpourri 100 This method allows you to logically separate one HD into more than one logical disk. What is partitioning?
Answer: Question: Potpourri 200 Two purposes for using names rather than IP addresses for computers. What is names are easier than an IP Address and can contain more information?
Answer: Question: Potpourri 300 These are three of the items that could be listed using a proper computer name. What is a room number, building number, cubicle, seat, computer ID, etc.?
Answer: Question: Potpourri 400 A new software install designed to fix a problem or add features to existing software. What is a patch?
Answer: Question: Potpourri 500 This technique allows several OS’s to run on a single machine simultaneously. What is virtualization?
Answer: Question: GPL vs. Purchased 100 This type of software is often free for download. What is GPL?
Answer: Question: GPL vs. Purchased 200 This type of software often comes with professional, warranty technical support. What is a purchased?
Answer: Question: GPL vs. Purchased 300 This type of software follows a structured development process. What is a purchased?
Answer: Question: GPL vs. Purchased 400 This type of software has little or no formal support available, but help is often free. What is GPL?
Answer: Question: GPL vs. Purchased 500 This type of software can legally be modified by anyone. What is GPL?
Answer: Question: Basic Settings 100 In order to connect to another computer, these three items must be set in a networked computer. What is IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway?
Answer: Question: Basic Settings 200 Purpose of the default gateway setting on a networked computer. What is identifies the access router to the Network?
Answer: Question: Basic Settings 300 When setting up a networked computer, these two items must be unique. What is Computer Name & IP Address?
Answer: Question: Basic Settings 400 This basic computer setting uses a 32 bit number as an identifier. What is an IP Address?
Answer: Question: Basic Settings 500 This networking feature allows your computer to have the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway automatically assigned. What is dynamic automatic assignment or DHCP? (Dynamic Host Control Protocol)
Answer: Question: Final Jeopardy These are two of the steps on the checklist for upgrading a system. Question: What are 1.Verify hardware will work with the OS? 2.Verify hardware meets requirements? 3.Confirm appropriate installation medium? 4.Run diagnostic tools and utilities? 5.Do a full backup? 6.Check for all software media is ready for reinstall?