A Framework for Assessment “The Grid” Janet Branchaw Carol Hurney Patrice Ludwig Kristina Obom
Learning Objectives for This Session You will: Continue to revise your learning objectives. Use a grid to align your learning objectives with existing learning activities and assessment strategies. Identify gaps in your alignment grid and brainstorm strategies to fill those gaps with your team.
Course Design Learning objectives guide the development of learning activities and assessment instruments Situational Factors Learning Objectives Feedback & Assessment Teaching & Learning Activities Yesterday Adapted from Creating Significant Learning Experiences by L. Dee Fink Today
The Grid – Backward Design Learning Objectives Taxonomy Level Learning Activities Formative Assessments Summative Assessments Design experiments to measure the reversal potential at a synapse. Higher Order Blooms: analysis, synthesis & evaluation Finks: application & integration - study guide -in-class group problems - practice exam problem - unit exam For example: - lecture - case study - journal - application card - concept map - in-class group problems For example: - quizzes - minute papers - paper drafts - muddiest point - clickers Qs For example: - exams - final project - final paper or lab report - pre-post tests - portfolio
The “BIG” Grid National Outcome University Outcome Program GoalCourse Goal Learning Objective Information Flow, Exchange and Storage; Ability to Apply Process of Science (Vision & Change) Intellectual and Practical Skills: Inquiry and Analysis (UW-Madison Essential Learning Outcomes) Develop novel sophisticated biological questions, formulate testable hypotheses, design and carryout experiments, make logical conclusions based on evidence. (Biocore Program) Frame biological questions about physiological systems and formulate testable hypotheses to guide in answering the questions. (Biocore 323) Design experiments to measure the reversal potential at a synapse. (Synaptic transmission & integration)