Immigration Guest Worker Program By Kim King And Kylie Lundeen
What is the Guest Worker Program? A program to permit U.S. employers to sponsor Non-U.S. citizens as laborers for about 3 years. After the 3 years the immigrants are departed back to the country they came from. Unless, they acquired a green card.
What is a Green Card? “A card that identifies the bearer as an alien with permanent resident status in the United States” found from bwn?s=green%20card bwn?s=green%20card bwn?s=green%20card Not an actual birth certificate
Percentages of immigrants in the United States About 15% of the U.S. workforce is made up of immigrants About 15% of the U.S. workforce is made up of immigrants 10 million immigrants (undocumented) are living in the United States right now. 60% of those 10 million immigrants came from Mexico. Immigrants make up 12.5% of the us population. 9.6 million immigrants lived in the United States in 1970 as opposed to 38 million in It is estimated that 700,000 undocumented immigrants enter the United States every year.
When was the last proposal of the Guest Worker Program? The Guest Worker Program was proposed most recently by George W. Bush in the year 2004 A Guest Worker Program is a an Amnesty. An Amnesty is where something is overlooked or forgotten. Like what happened in the last few years with George W. Bush and his proposal.
Pros of a Guest Worker Program Immigrants bring their skills to the country Expands culture in the United States Immigrants take low paying jobs that most Americans don’t want Large numbers of laborers Creates cheaper items, better quality products and higher profits Gives struggling people from other countries a better life The country is based off of freedom of religion and speech
Cons of a Guest Worker Program Higher chance of terrorism, drug activity, and criminal activity Higher chance of terrorism, drug activity, and criminal activity Immigrants, especially poorer ones, use lots up of government resources, without paying high amounts of taxes. People will not speak the Nations’ language, which is English. Less skilled Americans have to compete with immigrants for jobs.
Kylie’s and Kim’s opinion Kim and Kylie believe a Guest Worker Program might not be the best solution for immigration problems. Kim and Kylie believe a Guest Worker Program might not be the best solution for immigration problems. We believe this because it will not end illegal immigration and it is close to being slavery. Obama is an illegal immigrant
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