MODULE 3 Community Profiles October 2007 S.Mowers and the GSG team
For NSG 3145, Prof. D. Smith Finding Census statistics by Provinces and Cities…
For NSG 3145, Prof. D. Smith …. easy using Community Profiles !
For NSG 3145, Prof. D. Smith Step 1: For planning and comparison purposes, note these 2001 Community Profiles categories (these profiles are not as comprehensive as E-STAT’s)… POPULATION Population and Dwelling Counts Age Characteristics of the Population Common-law Status Legal Marital Status Language(s) First Learned and Still Understood Mobility Status - Place of Residence 1 Year Ago Mobility Status - Place of Residence 5 Years Ago Immigration Characteristics Aboriginal Population Visible Minority Status Religion EDUCATION School Attendance Highest Level of Schooling EARNINGS and INCOME Earnings in 2000 Income in 2000 WORK Language Used Most Often at Work Place of Work Status Mode of Transportation to Work Unpaid Work Labour Force Indicators Industry Occupation FAMILIES and DWELLINGS Selected Family Characteristics Selected Household Characteristics Selected Occupied Private Dwelling Characteristics
For NSG 3145, Prof. D. Smith Step 2 Statistics Canada’s public Web site:
For NSG 3145, Prof. D. Smith Step 3: Select Community Profiles from left sidebar
For NSG 3145, Prof. D. Smith Step 4: Select 2001 Community profiles 2001 has the most complete Census statistics
For NSG 3145, Prof. D. Smith Step 5, Type in your city/town and select your province or territory…
For NSG 3145, Prof. D. Smith Step 6, Select Ottawa-Hull [Ontario Part], as applicable
For NSG 3145, Prof. D. Smith Step 7: …VOILA! Scrolling down, find and cut and paste your Census characteristics by city (CMA) and province
For NSG 3145, Prof. D. Smith Step 8: Comparison example Age group as percentage of total population 2001 Community Profiles Ottawa-Hull [Ont. Part] Ages 5-14 Total: 107,050 All ages Total: 806, 095 = 13% 107,050/806,095 X 100= in E-STAT CENSUS TRACT Males, total population males (60) males (60)120 Females, total population females (55) females (60) 115 A) CALCULATED ALL ages population5600 B) CALCULATED ALL 5-14 year olds235 Calculate percentage of 5-14 year olds to total population B/A * 100 = =235/5600 X 100 =0.04 = 4 %