1 Strategic Planning – the Hamilton Centre Experience Presented by Anne Tennier, President December 1, 2012
2 Overview 1.Need for a Strategic Plan LPCO Local priorities 2.Format for Plan Goal Criteria for Success (results) Actions to achieve results 3.The Plan Communication Community Outreach Fund Raising Membership Policy Election Preparedness 4.Results 5.The strategy’s done, what’s next? 6.The execution plan What is it? How-to 7.Conclusion
HCFLA Strategic Plan GOAL: A HIGHLY EFFECTIVE ELECTORAL DISTRICT ASSOCIATION THAT PROMOTES COMMUNITY OUTREACH, ACTIVITY AND ENGAGEMENT AND ALSO ENCOURAGES TWO WAY COMMUNICATION ABOUT THE VALUES AND POLICIES OF THE LIBERAL PARTY OF CANADA (what Liberals stand for) – the foundational year revamped constitution new auditor training (Liberalist and CFO) volunteer base newsletter launch community outreach program launch 2012 – getting ready for 2015 use the EDA standing committees to drive actions use common resources to support actions Master list of previous supporters from 2004 A telephone crew Liberalist NewsLINE, social media, website initiate HCFLA strategic plan
4 HCFLA Strategic Plan – part 1
5 HCFLA Strategic Plan – part 2
6 Results 1.Communications person distribution 2.35 issues by year end 3.Weekly feedback to newsletter 2.Community Outreach & Special Events 1.3 town halls (urban aboriginal issues, peace, science/politics) members participate 3.Former candidate now on 6 local boards 4.25 events attended representing Liberals 3.Fundraising 1.60 VF members 2.Income = $700/month 3.1 major fundraiser 4.Campaign debt paid 4.Membership 1.80% 2011 members retained 2.75% on VF or multi-year memberships 3.50 new members 5.Election Readiness 1.Inventory of assets 2.All 2011 data in Liberalist 3.Monitoring redistribution process 6.Policy 1.Committee not active
7 THE STRATEGY’S DONE…. NOW WHAT?? What’s the next step?
8 Strategy’s great, but execution trumps strategy! Once goals are established through the strategic plan, how do you turn it into reality?? Without an execution plan, a strategy is just a piece of paper Components of an execution plan: – Goals – Action items/tasks – Responsible executive – Implementation team – Budget requirements – Timeline – Status tracking on a monthly or quarterly basis
9 Execution plan example
10 Execution plan how-to Once goals are established, committee leads responsible for each goal collaborate to set up an annual calendar and detailed plans for each initiative. – Include Party event dates (Golden Horseshoe and LPC(O) meetings, Leadership convention) – What’s happening in other area ridings? – Spread out events (fundraisers, town halls, canvassing, membership drive, etc) throughout the year – Track progress at least quarterly and report in your newsletter to build buy-in and credibility with the membership – Beware of burnout – resources are key! – Communicate, communicate, communicate !
11 Execution plan how-to As riding presidents, you get to set the tone and guide the direction Set the focus areas for the next 3 years: – 2013 – setting the stage Hone your ground game – drops, phone canvassing, community outreach, fundraising Participate in national activities – leadership, riding redistribution – 2014 – election readiness Seek out outstanding potential candidates Local and national policy processes Continue honing your ground game – 2015 – show time! If we do our job, Ham Centre will have the best local volunteer team, money in the bank and an election strategy just waiting for an outstanding candidate to execute to perfection!
12 In conclusion… 2013 will be a watershed year – Leadership – Riding redistribution Use your strategic plan process as a springboard to election readiness There are 3 years till the next election – your strategic plan will help you use the gift of time effectively.