Artist Study
Explore, examine, develop and analyze a diverse range of materials, processes and techniques based upon individual, guided research.
How artists express themselves and their identity through aesthetic choices and the act of art making.
How do we express ourselves through Art making?
Artist Research and skill development- 1. Choose two of the artists from the Power Point that move and inspire you to study. 2. Research their: Style- What movement, is the work associated with? What is the historical reference, behind their work? What is the work inspired by? What were the artists intentions? Techniques- Organization of the elements of art. How they are used or applied? To what end or effect? IE.-How is colour used? How are mark making techniques used? Etc. Are shapes geometric or organic? How has the artist created interest, unity, balance, etc? Processes- How does the artist work? How is the work constructed or developed to a conclusion? Meaning and purpose- What is the artist trying to communicate? IE- moods feelings, symbols etc. Did the artist stress form or content? why? What is the importance of this work? What is the cultural meaning and context behind the work? What do you see? What are your reactions? What is it that draws you to the work? Why have you chosen these works to study, or base your own work upon? What do you hope to learn by studying these two artists? Bibliography- Ensure that you cite all of your sourced using the MLA format 3. Complete two portraits in the style of your chosen artists. Use their original work to learn their techniques and processes. Each reproduction should be a full page. For those of you who are feeling confident, you may use one of your reference photos to do a portrait in the style of your chosen artist rather than a direct copy. 4. Focus on developing your understanding of how the various elements of art are applied to create meaning, develop the form, create interest or impact, reach a successful conclusion.etc? 5.
Focus- Be experimental. These are not final conclusions. Take risks and challenge yourself. Try to implement the artists’ techniques as best you can regardless of outcome. Problem solve and develop your ability to figure out how certain effects are achieved. Push your work to a meaningful conclusion. IE layering, mark making, experimenting with color etc to the fullest extent. Assignment Due Dates- 1. Research Assignment will be due Tuesday, October Sketchbook Experimentation will be due Sunday, October 30