Public Outreach & Involvement Why & What is Outreach? How & Who does Outreach? Current Efforts & Feedback What next?
Why We do Outreach: Every person has the RIGHT to provide input and influence
Simply informing is not enough You can never be too inclusive Process is important It’s better to do it right the first time, rather than do it over and over again Fundamental Truths About Outreach
Outreach is More than just Public Meetings
More than an item to be checked off: Modeling Alternatives Alternatives Performance Objectives Performance Objectives Modeling Alternatives Alternatives Performance Objectives Performance Objectives
Good Outreach is about community relations: Reaching out - Informing Involving – Listening Understanding
Who Does Outreach? We all do! Corps Outreach Specialists SFWMD Outreach and Service Center Staff Project Managers/Planning Technical Leads Recreation Plan Team Member s Corps Outreach Specialists SFWMD Outreach and Service Center Staff Project Managers/Planning Technical Leads Recreation Plan Team Member s
How do We do Outreach? Develop custom plan Identify issues Interested parties Craft a plan/schedule of activities Develop a budget Implement Information Involvement Develop custom plan Identify issues Interested parties Craft a plan/schedule of activities Develop a budget Implement Information Involvement
Public Meetings Publications and Presentations Media Relations Public Meetings Publications and Presentations Media Relations Public Information
Public Involvement Identify target audiences Identify/address existing and new issues Hold meetings Build community relations Identify target audiences Identify/address existing and new issues Hold meetings Build community relations
How do we Really do Outreach? By informing the community By involving the community By knowing the community By building relationships By informing the community By involving the community By knowing the community By building relationships
Early Outreach Efforts: Master Recreation Plan web page Stakeholder list Meet w/stakeholder groups Coordination w/CERP Projects Master Recreation Plan web page Stakeholder list Meet w/stakeholder groups Coordination w/CERP Projects
Master Recreation Plan Web Page
Provide feedback to Recreation Planning Team Available during entire planning process to PM’s/PTL Provide feedback to Recreation Planning Team Available during entire planning process to PM’s/PTL Web-Based Comment Form
What We’ve Heard So Far: Loss of access points due to STAs Effects of canal backfilling on fishing, boating & bank fishing Equestrian Access to levees Hunting opportunities on public lands Plan effects on frogging, airboating, hunting, camping & off-road vehicle use Demonstrate need to remove levees & canals Loss of access points due to STAs Effects of canal backfilling on fishing, boating & bank fishing Equestrian Access to levees Hunting opportunities on public lands Plan effects on frogging, airboating, hunting, camping & off-road vehicle use Demonstrate need to remove levees & canals
What’s Next: Development of Outreach and Public Involvement Strategy MRP PDTs Involvement Info Brainstorming - Opportunities Development of Outreach and Public Involvement Strategy MRP PDTs Involvement Info Brainstorming - Opportunities