International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies A presentation for the Second Annual Mekong Flood Forum, presented by: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Second Annual Mekong Flood Forum: Lessons from 2002 Presentation Outline Red Cross / Red Crescent operating mechanisms at the regional level 2002 activities of National Societies at the Lower Mekong Basin Lessons Learned Ways Forward International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Red Cross / Red Crescent operating mechanisms at the regional level Second Annual Mekong Flood Forum: Lessons from 2002 Red Cross / Red Crescent operating mechanisms at the regional level National Societies Country Delegations Regional Delegation Regional Disaster Management Committee Regional Disaster Response Team International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Activities in 2002 Disaster Preparedness Second Annual Mekong Flood Forum: Lessons from 2002 Activities in 2002 Capacity building for National Societies Staff training Stockpiling of supplies Procurement of telecommunications and information Technology equipments Resource mobilization Development of strategic disaster management plans Partnership building and networking Disaster Preparedness International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Activities in 2002 Disaster Preparedness Second Annual Mekong Flood Forum: Lessons from 2002 Activities in 2002 2. Capacity building for communities community organizing skills training community livelihood projects establishment of backyard gardens providing access to flood information Disaster Preparedness
Activities in 2002 Disaster Preparedness Second Annual Mekong Flood Forum: Lessons from 2002 Activities in 2002 3. Structural mitigation projects Establishment of safe areas Construction of sluice gates Dike construction and culvert emplacement Raising homestead grounds Flood proof tube wells Raising village dirt roads Construction of communal latrines Disaster Preparedness International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Activities in 2002 Disaster Preparedness Second Annual Mekong Flood Forum: Lessons from 2002 Activities in 2002 4. Non - structural mitigation projects Mangrove planting Riverbank establishment Reforestation Advocacy Public awareness Early warning Disaster Preparedness International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Activities in 2002 Disaster Response Stockpiling Second Annual Mekong Flood Forum: Lessons from 2002 Activities in 2002 Stockpiling Provision of boats for evacuation and rescue Establishment of Rapid Response Teams Disaster Management Information System Disaster Response International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Second Annual Mekong Flood Forum: Lessons from 2002 Lessons Learned A comprehensive strategic plan for disaster management must be developed by the national societies and integrated into the national disaster management framework. National societies needed to explore more possibilities for collaboration with other stakeholders operating within the riparian countries on regional policy formulation. Partnership among national societies and other regional entities must be strengthened through the regional cooperation framework There is a need to actively advocate at a wider scope the integration of preparedness and response into the development process. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Second Annual Mekong Flood Forum: Lessons from 2002 Lessons Learned Tasks and responsibilities between national disaster management committees and the national societies must be well-defined. Baseline data from hazard prone communities must updated regularly to compliment assessment reports undertaken during emergency situations. Early warning at the community level must utilize local and traditional practices / methods of relaying warning signals. Stakeholders at the national level involved in disaster management must use a common standard assessment and reporting template as a move towards a systematic information management. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Second Annual Mekong Flood Forum: Lessons from 2002 Lessons Learned Technical and academic terms must be translated into simple laymen language to allow the community to assimilate and easier understanding of global issues which affects them. HVC assessment process must be analyze from the context of the community, external actors must only facilitate and not influence the process. Community organizing must be a prerequisite for establishing community structural mitigation projects to ensure community participation in the management and maintenance of these projects. Work with the community and not for the community. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Second Annual Mekong Flood Forum: Lessons from 2002 Ways Forward Work towards self reliance and sustainability of programming. Improve co-ordination by promoting better co-operation and partnerships among stakeholders. Ensure that the knowledge from prediction and early warning systems can be accessed, understood and acted upon by local communities International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Second Annual Mekong Flood Forum: Lessons from 2002 Ways Forward Disaster preparedness as an effective link between emergency response, rehabilitation and development programmes. Strengthen the organizational structures at national and local levels required for effective disaster risk management. Forum for developing strategic plans which shall address issues of flood plain management with particular regard to peoples food security and livelihood. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Second Annual Mekong Flood Forum: Lessons from 2002 Ways Forward Improve the ability of vulnerable communities to cope with disasters through community-based disaster preparedness strategies that build on existing structures, practices, skills and coping mechanisms. Respect and utilize indigenous knowledge of the community to enhance appropriateness of community based disaster management programs. Expand network with NGO’s involved in the sustainable development programs to link disaster risk management activities into the development framework. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Second Annual Mekong Flood Forum: Lessons from 2002 Thank you. For further information, please contact the Red Cross National Societies or Federation country delegations. For regional level consultation, please contact the Federation Regional Disaster Management Unit (RDMU): Telephone :+66 2 640 8211 E-mail : International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies