1 Administrative Boundaries Update John Owens Virginia Geographic Information Network VGIN Board Meeting October 8,
2 Genesis of Workgroups Administrative Boundaries Workgroup were identified as priorities in the VGIN Strategic Plan Administrative Boundaries Workgroup had its first conference call in June, 2013, followed by several additional calls
3 Administrative Boundaries VGIN developed a Workgroup Charter Participation by more than 44 individuals Presentations by Zach Robbins from the Commission on Local Government and Kevin Holmes from the US Census Discussions of issues with Karen Mullins of Wise County, Page Cockrell of the VGIN Board and Surveyor community, and Brandon Moore working with the Southwest VA MERG group –Information available for download from the VGIN website
4 State of Boundaries Administrative Boundaries and Changes Locality Boundary Changes, Locality updates internal boundary Submission to and Approval by Circuit Court Notification to Sec. of Commonwealth, sent to distribution list for announcement, changes tracked by Commission on Local Government No Process for Generation of Up to Date VA GIS Boundary Data Layer
5 Strawman To-Be Boundaries Process Locality needs to make changes to boundaries VGIN Administrative Boundaries Edit Team Submission to and Approval by Circuit Court Notification by Sec of Commonwealth and Review by Commission on Local Government VGIN Admin Boundary Product Verification of Nature of and Approval for Boundary Changes Description of Boundary Changes (draft) Editing Process QA Review of Product by Commission on Local Government
6 Products from Administrative Boundary Process 1.Virginia Administrative Boundary Dataset for use by public, agencies, localities 2.Establishment of a Administrative Boundaries Data Standard to describe a standard Boundary product produced by VGIN and to be utilized by State Agencies and other interested stakeholders 3.Development of a process for the current Administrative Boundary standard and future GIS Data Standards from VGIN to be created and adopted
7 Creation of the Data Standard VGIN with assistance from VITA Data Governance (Joe Grubbs and Nicole Helmantoler) created the draft VGIN Administrative Boundary Geospatial Data Standard ~ May 2014, sent to Workgroup for informal comment Standard Posted to the VITA ORCA review system for public comment through August 5, 2014 ( –10 Comments were received Comments were reviewed, some changes were incorporated into the document, and the final submission was made for CIO and Secretary of Technology approval –A little backlog on submissions through VITA, so we’re in the queue but without a projected approval date –Commenters will be contacted after approval of the document regarding the changes made in the document in response to their submissions
8 A Repeatable Standard Creation Process By creating the Admin Boundary standard, a process has been outlined for future GIS Data Standards to be created and adopted (abbreviated here) 1.Identify Need for a Data Standard for a particular thematic area 2.Develop a Draft Charter for thematic base mapping Standard Development Workgroup 3.Identify Stakeholders to Invite and Convene a Workgroup of Stakeholders to Discuss and Develop Standard 4.Implementation Team Discusses and Develops Proposed Standard Documents and is Reviewed by the Working Group 5.Proposed Standards Document is Reviewed by VGIN Coordinator, VITA Senior Management and the VGIN Board 6.GIS Data Standard Document is Submitted Through the VITA Data Standards Process for Public Comment, Consideration and Ultimately Approval
9 Draft VA Admin Boundary Product Drafts of the Virginia Administrative Boundary Dataset were published through the spring and summer of 2014, available as a ESRI Layer Package on the Virginia GIS Clearinghouse Portal There have been 222 downloads of one draft data package from the Clearinghouse We had both Workgroup and VGIN listserv announcements of the draft product for review No negative comments received regarding the quality of the release, generally seen as a big improvement
11 Final VA Admin Boundary Product Incorporated a shoreline product from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science to clip boundaries at waterline –We saw VIMS as the best source of shoreline data in this case Projected for release alongside Q4 VA Road Centerlines release near 11/15/14 –This should allow the Data Standard document to be released before or simultaneous with product release
12 Data Comparison
13 VBMP Data Granularity
14 Final Steps Boundary Data Standard Approvals - soon Virginia Administrative Boundaries Dataset release in Q4 RCL release window Publish and discuss GIS Data Standard process with community, apply as needed to new challenges of base layers
15 Thanks to… VGIN GIS Data Analysts –Kenny Brevard, Michael Vojta, April Branton Admin Boundary Workgroup Stakeholders Census (Kevin Holmes among many) Commission on Local Government (Zach Robbins) Joe Grubbs from VITA Data Governance
16 Questions?