T HE A LUMNI C LUB R EPORT Friday, Sept. 10, 2010 Alumni Club Leadership Training King Alumni House Lexington, KY
S TRATEGIC P LAN M ETRICS P ERTAINING TO UK A LUMNI C LUBS Goal 1, Metric 2 – Enhance the Alumni Student Recruitment Program by improving the quality of activities, increasing the number of activities from 27 annually. Goal 1, Metric 7 – Ensure that a variety of colleges are represented through faculty speakers in outreach and regional programming. Goal 1, Metric 10 – Promote and encourage club scholarship fundraising opportunities to expand the level of alumni club scholarship awards in cooperation with the Office of Development.
S TRATEGIC P LAN M ETRICS P ERTAINING TO UK A LUMNI C LUBS, CONT. Goal 4, Metric 1 – Conduct 100 meaningful programs sponsored by the association, alumni clubs, academic colleges and other university units that engage 30,000 alumni annually. Goal 4, Metric 5 – Create a stronger awareness among alumni of community service by expanding programs and opportunities to at least three annually.
S TRATEGIC P LAN M ETRICS P ERTAINING TO UK A LUMNI C LUBS, CONT. Goal 4, Metric 7 – Expand regional programming to at least five metropolitan areas annually with programs that feature UK faculty and timely, educational topics. Goal 4, Metric 9 – Evaluate and make changes as appropriate in the alumni club network to improve the engagement of alumni and club support for the association and the university. Goal 4, Metric 12 – Strengthen the relationship of the association with UK Athletics. Goal 4, Metric 15 – Staff and/or UK Alumni Association Board of Directors representatives will at least once in the next five years, meet with each club at its location to support an activity or discuss needs of the club.
P ROGRESS R EPORT, Goal 1, Metric 2 – Enhance the Alumni Student Recruitment Program by improving the quality of activities, increasing the number of activities from 27 annually. Initiated quarterly meetings with the Office of Admissions to discuss association support and evaluation of student recruitment events. Used social media outlets and broadcast tool to send out enrollment management information to alumni. Alumni clubs hosted or participated in 242 student recruitment activities. Increased the number of clubs participating in student recruitment from
P ROGRESS R EPORT, , CONT. Goal 1, Metric 7 – Ensure that a variety of colleges are represented through faculty speakers in outreach and regional programming. 10 events held featuring speakers from different departments. Goal 1, Metric 10 – Promote and encourage club scholarship fundraising opportunities to expand the level of alumni club scholarship awards in cooperation with the Office of Development. Held a scholarship round table discussion at the Club Leadership Training Conference. Sent scholarship solicitation letters to six alumni club areas. Added link to President’s Scholarship Initiative site to bottom of club template.
P ROGRESS R EPORT, , CONT. Goal 4, Metric 1: Conduct 100 meaningful programs sponsored by the association, alumni clubs, academic colleges and other university units that engage 30,000 alumni annually. 1,039 events engaging 49,526 alumni and friends. (through May 2010) 906 alumni club events: 29 club events with a university speaker; 25 club student recruitment events; 43 club social events; 35 club community service events; 4 club athletic events; 3 alumni club chat events; 1 club reorganizational event; 2 regional events with alumni speakers; 29 club Derby parties; 2 club cultural events; 733 game watch parties.
P ROGRESS R EPORT, , CONT. Goal 4, Metric 5: Create a stronger awareness among alumni of community service by expanding programs and opportunities to at least three annually: Alumni Club Network participated in Cats for a Cause National Service Week and the DanceBlue letter writing campaign. Association Scratch Around Town program at local elementary schools during Homecoming. Goal 4, Metric 7: Expand regional programming to at least five metropolitan areas annually with programs that feature UK faculty and timely, educational topics. Faculty presentations in five metropolitan areas. Instituted new ‘Think Tank’ programs featuring successful alumni in two regional, non-club areas.
P ROGRESS R EPORT, , CONT. Goal 4, Metric 9: Evaluate and make changes as appropriate in the alumni club network to improve the engagement of alumni and club support for the association and the university. Researched, developed and implemented new annual reporting policy for club award rankings. Submitted request for redesigned club broadcast template for club communications.
P ROGRESS R EPORT, , CONT. Goal 4, Metric 12: Strengthen the relationship of the association with UK Athletics. 23 head coaching appearances at alumni club events during Five additional club appearances by athletic speakers (assistant coaches, UK radio personalities) Football tailgates at Cincinnati (Miami, OH), Auburn, Vanderbilt games, Music City Bowl. Basketball pep rallies at Freedom Hall game, SEC Tournament and Syracuse Regional. Post season play s containing ticket, travel, event information for football, men’s basketball and women’s basketball. Goal 4, Metric 15: Staff and/or UK Alumni Association Board of Directors representatives will at least once in the next five years, meet with each club at its location to support an activity or discuss need of the club. 50 club visits in 25 club areas.
M EMBERSHIP 34 clubs have seen declines in membership since 2008 of 1% or greater. 25 clubs have seen increases in membership since 2008 of at least 1% or greater. 25 nonmember names of officers were submitted by clubs for the year. Refer to Membership spreadsheet How can we solve this problem?
A REAS TO I MPROVE Faculty speakers Cultural/Diverse club events Leadership Succession Membership Communication Scholarship Fundraising
K EEP IT U P ! Student Recruitment Progress Friend-raising Activities Service Projects
T HE E ND Questions/Comments