Economic characteristics UNECE Task Force on economic and educational characteristics Geneva
Key results of the UNECE Survey TopicFully apply countries/totalPercent Economic activity15/4831 % -unemployed42/5180 % Status in employment33/4868 % Occupation46/4896% -ISCO082450% -ISCO881327% - National (compatible)1021% Industry39/4783% -ISIC rev.41736% -ISIC rev % - NACE rev2.1430%
First proposals of the revisions to the CES Census Recommendations by the UNECE Task Force Census information – Full enumeration – Areal dimension (small area statistics) – Not collected in some other survey Comparison between countries – other surveys – past and future censuses Reflecting the change of the society Fit for all types of census methodology – Possibility to use more registers and administrative data in the 2020 censuses in most countries
Activity status CurrentProposal TFILO 1.0 Economically active 1.0. Labour force 1.1 Employed 1.2 Unemployed, of which1.2 Unemployed Never worked before Not economically active 2.0. Outside labour force 2.1 Students 2.2 Pension or capital income recipients 2.3 Homemakers- 2.4 Others2.3. Others (incl. Homemakers)
Status in employment currentProposal TFILO 1.0 Employees 2.0 Self-employed 2.0 Employers2.1. Employers 3.0 Own-account workers2.2. Own-account workers 4.0 Contributing family workers 2.3. Other self-employed- 5.0 Members of producers’ co-operatives Contributing famlily workers 2.3 Contributing famlily workers 6.0. persons not classifiable by status Members of producers’ co-operatives (optional) 2.4 Menbers of producers’ co-operatives (optional) 3.0 Not stated/not applicable 3.0 Not stated/not applicable (not incl. ICSE-93)