South Carolina Longitudinal Data System June 3, 2016 SC Longitudinal Data System
SUNS is Student Unique Numbering System for Testing the first-in-the-Nation deployment of SIF * to fulfill mission critical, statewide requirements. SUNS will dramatically streamline the administrative burden associated with the assignment and maintenance of a unique, permanent state ID for all pK-12+ students. SC Longitudinal Data System *Schools Interoperability Framework
SASI At Schools SASI Agent District ZIS Student Locator Agent Web App State ZIS Near Match Resolution Web Site At Districts Unique Student ID Component Student ID Resolution Agent At SDE School User LEA User Notification This is a New ID or an Exact Match Situation This is a Near Match Situation SC Longitudinal Data System
The purpose of the SC Longitudinal Data System is to enable efficient and accurate management of core SDE data. The resulting system will allow users to access, analyze, & aggregate SDE data generate timely & accurate data for reporting facilitate research to improve student learning & close achievement gaps promote linkages across the state & with other states. Our Goal for LDS SC Longitudinal Data System
Replicate core data from SASI and other sources daily from 89 districts to SDE through SIF’s * vertical reporting framework or some other method Objectives *Schools Interoperability Framework SC Longitudinal Data System
Expand district horizontal integration of data systems using the Schools Interoperability Framework Objectives SC Longitudinal Data System
Enable electronic transfer of student records and student transcripts between districts and between districts and colleges Objectives SC Longitudinal Data System
Provide SDE’s Office of Research and other State Superintendent designated individuals or organizations with easy table-level access to facilitate use of SAS and other analytical tools Objectives SC Longitudinal Data System
Provide teachers with a longitudinal view of data by student, classroom, or ad hoc grouping Palmetto Achievement Challenge Test PACT Alternate Assessment High School Assessment Program HSAP Alternate Assessment SC Readiness Assessment End-of-Course Examination Program Objectives SC Longitudinal Data System
Provide educators and the general public with attractive, clickable dashboards of educational graph and tables designed to answer questions such as: a. What community do I want to live in? b. How is my school and district doing? c. What school do I want to send my children to? d. Which schools and districts add the most value to the growth each year of students? e. Where are priority sub-groups identified by NCLB doing the best? Objectives SC Longitudinal Data System
Improve the overall quality and reliability of all SDE education data Objectives SC Longitudinal Data System
Enable South Carolina to excel in federal reporting through the Educational Data Exchange Network (EDEN) Objectives SC Longitudinal Data System
Four Critical Views/Reports AudienceView/Report US Education Department EDEN Education Data Exchange Network SEA Designated Research Analysts Direct Table View (Un-Masked, w/o Names) LEA Authorized Educators Class Rostering, Class View, Student Profile EveryoneState/District/School/ Sub-Group Dashboard SC Longitudinal Data System
Draft Data Model (Conceptual) SC Longitudinal Data System
South Carolina Longitudinal Data System Tom Olson, Programming Services Manager SC Longitudinal Data System