CCNP Network Route IPV-6 Part-I IPV6 Addressing: IPV-4 is 32-BIT, IPV-6 is 128-BIT IPV-6 are divided into 8 groups. Each is 4 Hex characters. Each group is 16 Bits. To shorten the address, Eliminate all the group of zeros by abbreviating it with ::, but once per address. Also we can drop the leading zeros. E.g in 1100:0040: We can make it as 1100:40 Loop back in IPV-6 is ::1
CCNP Network Route IPV-6 Part-I IPV-6 Header : Less things in header makes protocol more secure. In IPV-6 we have version, traffic class (for QoS), Flow label, Payload length, next header and hop limit, then we have source address 128 bits and the destination address which is 128 bits as well. In IPV-6 there is no Broadcast. Multicast is used instead. Anycast is a new kind of communication which is closest to device or best path for the computer etc.
CCNP Network Route IPV-6 Part-I Link Local is used to communicate locally. On Layer 2 Domain. Unique was made to used within Organization just live private address in IPV-4, but now its not used anymore and is gone from IPV-6 In IPV-6 there are no private addressing. IPV-6 want to disappear NAT. Global Scope Address: It is Internet Address.
CCNP Network Route IPV-6 Part-I Link Local: Automatically generated by IPV-6 Host. They always begin with FE80. Last octet has FFFE in the middle. They are similar to x.x address of IPV-4 Global Address: Global Routing Prefix is 48 bits (It is class of address and can’t be changed) Internet 2 is also known as IPV-6. It has 2001::16 subnet or it is called Global Routing Prefix.
CCNP Network Route IPV-6 Part-I Global Address: Next 48 Bits are used for sub-netting. Last 64-bits are used for Interface ID. EUI: Extended unique identifier which is made of 64 bits. Router generates automatically interface identifier based on MAC address.