The most respected leader of a clan is known as the :_________
Define Anamism
What do we call a scientist who studies artifacts?
Explain the difference between ruins and artifacts.
1 st Indians in PA
1 st Indians in North America
What was an atlatl used for?
True or False: We have learned a lot of historically accurate information by listening to Indian legends.
A log wall built around a settlement for protection is a:
How many nations was the Iroquois tribe made up of?
The two major language groups for PA Indians were ___________ &________
No written record =
Sinew: Identify and describe use.
Someone who moves from place to place is called _________.
What caused Indians to stop moving from place to place?
__________ Indians lived in small dome shaped houses called _______.
How do we determine the age of organic materials?
___________ Indians built large houses that were shared by many families. These were called _______
What Indian period was during an ice age?
Which period did Indians begin to use bows and arrows?
During which period did Indians begin farming?
True or false: we know much information about prehistoric Indians by studying their writings on cave walls.
True or False: We believe that Indians came to North America because they followed animal herds here.
The land bridge connecting Asia to North America was called _________.
One of the oldest archaeological sites in North America is the ________.
Made of colored beads, this could have been used in trading, ceremonies, or could have been worn as jewelry.
3 Jobs of Women
3 Jobs of men
Most influential Indian group in PA
3 consequences of European contact.
List some differences between prehistoric and historic Indians.