By Glennie and Michael
How they adapted to the environment was by trading. THE BIG QUEUSTION.
The Food They eat corn, berries, fish, deer, corn husk, beans, cornbread, squash, maple sap, cattail leaves, and reeds. They chewed tobacco.
Shelter Long Houses Wigwams Birch bark houses
Clothing Men usually wear Breech cloths, moccasins, leggings, deerskin, painted buck skin, and rabbit skin. Women usually wear otter skin, dresses, skirts, shirts, leggings, turbans.
Location They live along lake Michigan. They also live in Oklahoma, and Ontario.
They believed in trading. Men had spiked hair. Friends were Masoutens. They speaked Algonquian. Beliefs
Impact of Europeans It was very good for the Europeans to come. They traded fur and food for guns, beads, kettles, brandy, and clothes.