St. Mary’s Church of England Primary School Welcome to
Our Mission Statement Based upon our belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Saviour of the world, we give all children a positive experience of Christianity and learning, whilst retaining a respect for other faiths. We will promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of all pupils with a caring, loving stimulating and nurturing environment, which is firmly based upon Christian values. All children will receive a wealth of high quality educational experiences through the positive involvement of school, home and St Mary’s Church.
Working Together Home / School Agreement. Reading with your child. Good communication – our ‘open door’ policy. Reward Systems – Governors’ Awards. Come and share in your child’s success. Friday Assembly. Visit our Website. Head lice
Attendance Attendance and punctuality. Absence procedures. Medical appointments. Let us know who is collecting your child. Term Time holidays.
Routines School Dinners - £10.00 per week to be given to Mrs. Bedlow on Monday morning in an envelope with name on. Healthy Lunchboxes. Toast, Fruit and Milk schemes. No crisps, chocolate or sweets at playtime.
Uniforms See school brochure for full details of uniform. Sweatshirts can be ordered from school. PE kits. Reading Folders - £3.00 PLEASE PUT CHILD’S NAME IN EVERY ITEM OF CLOTHING !
Areas focused in our Reception Class Communication, Language and Literacy. Personal, Social and Emotional Development Mathematical Development. Understanding the World.. Physical Development. Expressive Arts and Design Literacy
Induction Programme 2 afternoon sessions for the children in July. Details of dates and times are in the pack. Children start part time in September.
The ‘Friends of St. Mary’s’ Fundraising Social events Your support is essential !