EQ: What are the effects of alcohol (depressants)?
BR: True/False (and explain why) O Alcohol is less dangerous because it is legal O In large amounts alcohol is a depressant but in small amounts it is a stimulant O University students spend more on alcohol than books
O Depressants: Drugs that reduce neural activity in the central nervous system and slow down body functions. O EX: Alcohol, Barbiturates (tranquilizers), Opiates (heroin and morphine)
O Read individual section and fill out graphic organizer O Share info with group
EQ: What is the prevalence of alcohol in the US? O BR: Do you think the drinking age should be lowered? Why or why not?
O Read questioning worksheet O In groups: Make up one question for each level for either Cinderella or Snow White
O Read card with group O Write one question that is level 1 or 2 O Write one question that is level 4-6
O Pass cards O Write answers to questions in notes and discuss with group