Dear Stakeholder The county council has recently reviewed its policies on home to school transport. As a result, we are proposing to end free faith-school transport for new pupils starting at faith schools from September This document sets out the detail of the proposals. We would like to receive your views on this proposal, and are consulting a wide range of people who may have an interest in this, particularly parents of children attending Hertfordshire primary schools. The consultation period runs from 25 th April – 9 th June. This will enable the county council to make its decision in time for publication of our school admission arrangements for the 2007/08 school year. We are keen that this consultation is as wide ranging as possible, so please share this with others who may have an interest. Thank you for taking the time to consider this. Let us have your views by completing the tear off slip at the end of this document. John Harris Director Children, Schools & Families THE PRESENT POSITION The statutory requirement is to provide free transport for pupils for whom the local authority is unable to provide a place at a suitable school, or one involving a safe route to walk, within three miles of the pupil’s home (two miles for under eight year olds). For many years the county council has had a policy additionally to provide free transport for “all children attending their nearest maintained faith school if they have a place there in line with their parents’ beliefs”. For children above the age of eight this applies where the distance from home to school is over three miles. For children under the age of eight the distance is two miles. There are 98 faith schools in Hertfordshire to which this policy applies: In the secondary sector there are two Church of England* and seven Roman Catholic schools. A Jewish secondary school is due to open in Borehamwood in September In the primary sector there are 53 Church of England**, 36 Roman Catholic and two Jewish schools. * St Georges Harpenden is not included for the purposes of free denominational transport. ** Includes Thomas Coram C of E VA Middle School. CONSULTATION ON THE PROVISION OF TRANSPORT BY HERTFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL TO FAITH SCHOOLS 24 April 2006
2 Considerable savings would be made. Currently faith transport costs Hertfordshire County Council approximately £3.4 million a year, of which £2 million is for the secondary sector. Because of the proposed phasing, the financial benefits of the new policy would not appear immediately but it is anticipated they would build up over a six year period. Hertfordshire County Council has to make the best possible use of the resources at its disposal. We believe that these savings will enable us to invest in other service improvements, including those identified in school travel plans, and to meet our efficiency targets. CONSULTATION ON THE PROVISION OF TRANSPORT BY HERTFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL TO FAITH SCHOOLS 24 April 2006 RELEASING FUNDS FOR USE ELSEWHERE PHASING IN THE NEW POLICY The introduction of the new policy would be phased. Pupils who have been admitted to a faith school as a result of parental preference in accordance with their faith and receiving free transport would continue to do so for as long as they attend that school (primary or secondary). New pupils, including siblings of existing pupils, starting at a faith school from September 2007 would not be entitled to free transport, unless it is their closest school and over the statutory distance from their home. In the secondary sector, free transport would not automatically apply after the end of Year 11 (end of compulsory school). We are now proposing to end this free faith- school transport but the statutory provision would remain. Hertfordshire County Council continues to recognise and support faith schools as providers of high educational standards and pastoral care for the pupils in their charge The phasing out of free faith transport would mean two things: Pupils and parents across the county would be treated equally, receiving free transport in accordance with the statutory requirement. Significant savings in the local authority’s education transport budget, which could be invested elsewhere. While faith preferences must be considered under current legislation, there is no duty to provide transport on the basis of a preference for a faith school. The Education and Inspections Bill 2006, currently going through Parliament, does not alter this. We anticipate that, in the short term, much of the school bus network would remain but with charges based on an assisted places scheme. Other local authorities have already made, or are about to make, similar policy changes. The new policy would also apply to Hertfordshire pupils who attend out of county faith schools for faith reasons. WE ARE PROPOSING…
WE WANT TO TAKE ACCOUNT OF YOUR VIEWS Please answer the following questions by ticking the boxes and make comments if you wish. Please post this response sheet to arrive no later than Friday 9th June 2006 (NO STAMP NEEDED) to: Hertfordshire County Council FREEPOST HJ71 School Transport Consultation Room 35 County Hall Hertford, SG13 8DF Please tick one box for each question Question 1 Do you think it is right that all pupils and families in the county should be treated on an equal basis and all be subject to the same statutory requirements where school transport is concerned? Question 2 Do you support the proposal to end free faith school transport? Question 3 Do you think that the proposed protection for pupils already receiving free faith school transport is fair? YesNoDon’t know YesNoDon’t know YesNoDon’t Know Please cut along the dotted line and return this form
Please give the name of your child’s primary school (optional): Comments Please make any comments that would be helpful to this consultation exercise, including alternative suggestions. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Roman Catholic Church of England JewishOther faithNone Parent/Carer Member of school staff Governor Other (please state) Please tick one of the boxes to indicate why you are interested in the consultation
How you can let us have your view You can let us have your views by: Completing and returning the response form in this booklet. Completing the online form on our website at Writing to us (freepost), if you do not want to use the form, to: Hertfordshire County Council FREEPOST HJ71 School Transport Consultation Room 35 County Hall Hertford, SG13 8DF Please respond by 9 th June 2006 Marlborough School, Watling Street, St AlbansTuesday 2 nd May7.30 – 9.30pm Hertswood School, Cowley Hill, BorehamwoodMonday 8 th May7.30 – 9.30pm Rickmansworth School, Scots Hill, RickmansworthWednesday 10 th May7.30 – 9.30pm The Hemel Hempstead School, Heath Lane, Hemel Hempstead Thursday 11 th May7.30 – 9.30pm The Bishop's Stortford High School, London Road, Bishop's Stortford Monday 15 th May7.30 – 9.30pm The Broxbourne School, High Road, BroxbourneTuesday 16th May7.30 – 9.30pm John Henry Newman School, Hitchin Road, StevenageWednesday 17 th May7.30 – 9.30pm These meetings will be of a size that ensures everyone can express their views. If you wish to attend one of these meetings please register a place by calling This line will be open Monday to Friday, 8am – 8pm and Saturday 9am – 4pm from 25 th April until 17 th May. (Please note that this is a booking line only and staff will be unable to discuss any matters relating to the consultation). Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. In the event that any these meetings is over subscribed additional ones will be organised where appropriate. Further copies of this document can be obtained by calling During this period of consultation there will be meetings to discuss the proposals at: