Nutrition What Nutrients Does Your Body Need? Chapter 3.1
Nutrients Chemical substance in food that gives your body what it needs to grow and function properly.
6 general types of Nutrients Carbohydrates Fats Protein Minerals Vitamins Water
Nutrient Chart Fill in Nutrient Chart handout using Chapter 3.1 in your textbook.
Simple vs. Complex Simple Carbs Simple to digest, basic sugars with little value for the body. Pop, candy, white bread, white potatoes, baked goods. Complex Carbs Longer series of sugars that take more time for the body to break down. Whole grains, fruit and vegetables. Higher the fiber more complex
Glucose The preferred source of energy for your brain and central nervous system. Powers your brain, enabling you to concentrate and pay attention in class Your body breaks down carbs into glucose to obtain energy.
Fiber A tough complex carbohydrate that the body is unable to digest. Found in plant-based foods: fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Prevents overeating.
Amino Acids Smaller chemical units that make up protein. There are 9 essential amino acids Complete protein – all 9 essential amino acids: meat, eggs, fish, dairy. Incomplete protein – lacks one or more essential amino acids: seeds, nuts, grains.
Why you need FAT Supplies energy to the body when food is unavailable. Acts as a cushion to protect internal organs. Provides a layer of insulation
The “bad” FAT Saturated Found in animal- based food. Associated with high cholesterol. Linked to heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes Trans fats Processed foods: partially hydrogenated oils.
Cholesterol A waxy, fatlike substance that is found in foods from animal sources. Too much cholesterol increases risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke.
Types of Vitamins Water-soluble Dissolves in water Used immediately Vitamin C and the B vitamins Fat-Soluble Dissolves in body fat and stored for later use. Long-term Vitamins A, D, E, and K
Lack of Minerals Osteoporosis – bones become fragile due to lack of calcium. Anemia – lack of iron causes weakness, fatigue, and headaches.
How water helps you Maintains normal temperature Cushions and lubricates your joints Gets rid of waste Moves oxygen, nutrients, wastes throughout the body.