The New England Region
Geography & Climate The New England colonies included New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Very cold winters, mild summers Rocky Soil not good for farming, but colonists utilized subsistence farming raising just enough food for their families.
How the colonists made their money… Fishing and Shipbuilding was the biggest money maker in New England Lumber/Timber = Sawmills Blacksmiths Built ships that would play a key role in the slave trade.
Religion, Social, and Political Life Protestant followers of John Calvin Puritans wanted to ‘purify’ the church of England or make changes to improves it. The Pilgrims were Separatists that wanted to separate from the church of England and completely move away from the church. Town meetings were held for colonists to voice their opinions School was usually held in the church and was very strict.
Typical Village life in New England Use this website and list information about their homes, food/drink, clothing, and work