Chapter 8 Section 3
Referred to as the Holy Land Home to sacred sites for 3 major religions – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Many events in Jewish history and in the life of Jesus happened in Israel
Established by the Hebrews about 3,000 yrs ago 60s BC the region was conquered by the Roman Empire Renamed Palestine in AD 135 Diaspora – the scattering of the Jewish population
Zionism – called for Jews to establish a Jewish state in the ancient homeland. Began in late 1800’s 1947 UN voted to divide Palestine into Jewish and Arab states Disputes continue today between the 2 sides
Government Prime Minister and a Parliament, Knesset At age 18 most men and women must serve 1 year in military Economy modern and diverse Exports high-technology equipment cut diamonds Millions of tourists yearly
Capitial – Jerusalem Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem largest cities 80% of population is Jewish, rest is mostly Arab ¾ are Muslim Hebrew and Arabic are official languages
Rich in holiday and special foods Jews – Sabbath is sunset Friday until sundown Saturday Yom Kipper holiday in Fall Passover in Spring, celebrates Hebrews escape from captivity. Kosher – “proper”, used in Jewish dietary laws Kibbutz (ki-BOOHTS) – large farm where people share everything in common
Gaza – small, crowded coastal land with more than 1 million Palestinian inhabitants West Bank – population of 2.4 million. Mostly rural with 3 large cities; Nablus, Hebron, and Ramallah. Farming boosts economy. East Jerusalem – divided into Jewish, Muslim, and Christian neighborhoods
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