GREEN CHEMISTRY Ranbir Verraich, Jashan Jande and Husam Farawi
Green Chemistry Philosophy which reduces or eliminates hazardous products or processes from the environment Finds environmentally friendly replacements for hazardous chemicals within products. Reduces the size of our ecological footprint
Ecological Footprint The amount of usage of the earth compared to the time it takes to return back to its natural form. “Our Ecological Footprint shows that this is simply unsustainable and that the present North American consumer lifestyle, as model for the rest of the world's population, would require three planets.” David Orton, July 1999.
Chemicals Within Household Products Chemical NameChemical structureHealth Effects CadmiumCd Carcinogen. Causes kidney and liver damage. CarbarylC 12 H 11 NO 2 Carcinogen. Causes kidney damage. CresolC7H8OC7H8O Very corrosive to tissue. Damages central nervous system and kidney LyeNaOHCorrosive to body tissues. Methlyene ChlorideCH 2 Cl 2 Carcinogen. Lowers bloods ability to carry oxygen. Pine Oil Weakness and central nervous depression. Kidney damage. TolueneC7H8C7H8 Reproductive hazard. Causes narcosis.
Specific Examples ProductChemicalsDamages Manufacturing /disposal process Toilet Bowl Cleaner Ammonia, chloride, hydrochloric acid, Sodium dichloroisocyanurate Corrosive, irritant to eyes and skin, toxic to aquatic organisms, kills all bacteria Used once then thrown away because non-biodegradable Cascade dishwashing detergent Sodium carbonate, sodium silicate, sodium tripolyphosphate Inhaled- cause respiratory tract irritation Ingested-cause nausea vomiting and irritation. When used chemicals enter waterways. Traditional thermostatsMercury, CH 3 HAffects immune system, alters genetic codes and enzyme structures. Also damages central nervous system. Mercury has no place in our landfills since it can make its way into the ground water and can pollute our fresh drinking water. It also produces toxic gases when produced. PlasticSynthetic polymers, benzene, CO2 CO It pollutes the earth, air and water Creates noxious gas during the manufacturing. Linked to birth cancer and known to damage immune system. Cannot go through bacterial decomposition.
Replacements ReplacementAdvantagesDisadvantages Bi-O–Kleen detergent -Phosphate and chlorine free, biodegradable, concentrated, scented and effective Limited availability and little expensive Baking soda, olive oil and scent No harsh chemicals, effective and cheap to makeMore labour required to clean Electric thermostatsVery precise, no hazardous chemicals.Fairly expensive and hard to install Green bagsVery durable, cheap and easy to makeMore expensive than plastic.
Weed Killer Known to make soil into non-reusable and also kill other organisms. Made organic weed killer with vinegar, salt and dish soap (without phosphate). Compared organic weed killer to Round- up.
Observations ProductAmount Used Affect on WeedsSurroundings InitialFinal GrassRound-up50mlNo change Organic50mlLeaves begin to descend Weed deadGrass turned yellow GravelRound-up50mlLeaves begin to darken Weed half-deadNo change Organic50mlLeaves diedWeed deadNo change
Conclusion This product is completely environmentally friendly and is much more effective than current products Very easy and cheap to make because it is made from common household products. Chemicals within Round-up leak into waterways and harm humans and aquatic life No harsh chemicals and basically no effects on the soil.
Future Implications All products have a positive and negative aspect. Specifically synthetic products cause lots of pollution but are effective. Chemicals have ability to harm humans and soon will kill humans through water or air. Build up of chemicals will hurt water supply and replacements must be found soon!
References Environmental Impact of Household Chemicals. Retrieved September 21, 2009 from df Methylene Chloride. (2008, August 20). Retrieved September 24, 2009 from Mithra, S. (2009, August 2). What is Lye. Retrieved September 20, 2009, from Needleman, H.L. Hazardous Household Chemicals. Retrieved September 18, 2009 from old_chemicals.htm Touluene. (2007, December 7). Retrieved September 22, 2009 from