Government & Politics In the beginning…
Definitions… Government: The ___________, people, and processes by which a nation-state or political unit is ruled and its public policy created and administered. Politics: The __________ of governing. Law: A rule of conduct or action that is binding for all and _________ by the government.
What you may do… You may vote when you are 18. You may have a trial by jury. What you may not do? You may not park in a fire lane. You may not steal. You may not murder. What you must do? You must have a driver’s license to drive a car. The police must have a warrant to search your property. You must register for the draft.
The State Many people get the terms “state” and “nation” confused… You will know the difference A State has these characteristics: population, territory, __________, and government. A nation has these characteristics: population, territory, sovereignty, government, and common ______.
State or Nation?
Israel: State or Nation?
What would you consider the smallest state in the world?
1. To form a more perfect ________ In _______, there is greater strength
2. To establish _______ The ____ should be administered fairly, reasonably and impartially
3. To Insure Domestic __________ Without order, people would live in anarchy
4. Provide for the Common Defense A State’s security depends on a wise defense and sound foreign policies
5. To promote the General _________ To provide services and laws to protect everyone
6. To Secure the Blessings of Liberty To protect everyone’s freedom
Forms of Government Who has the power? ____ is held in a single, central agency This does NOT necessarily mean dictatorship Can you think of examples?
Dictatorship ________ : Group of Generals Lead Pinochet ruled Chile after a military coup in 1973
Adolph Hitler Benito Mussolini Power is seized and kept by force to be ruled by one.
Dictatorship Most _______ form of government in history Can you think of some PRESENT- day dictatorships?
Saddam Hussein Rules with personal preferences (__________).
Louis XIV Power to rule is generally passed down from the king to his eldest son (or if there is no son, to the queen or the eldest daughter). Are there modern absolute monarchies?
An aristocracy is rule by the ______, educated, and wealthy. Queen Elizabeth II
A theocracy is rule by the _______ leaders of the state sanctioned faith. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
Leaders are carefully selected and controlled from within the ranks of the ________. Mao Zedong
Government by the ________ exercised either directly or through elected representatives.
Who can participate in government? In a democracy, the people hold the power and give the government the authority to rule over them… What is the difference between direct democracy and representative democracy? In the USA?
How differences are there in democratic governments?
Power is divided between a supreme central government and several local governments Around 26 countries have a federal government including…
3. Confederate Government The central government has ________ power with the most important authority reserved for member states Only one in the world… and it is no longer effective
Remember this flag?
Tony Blair Legislative and executive branches of government are ___________. Who’s this> People do not vote on Chief Executive. Legislature does…