Extended Project Qualification Level 3
What is the EPQ? A piece of work that you do in addition to your option studies It can be in the form of Dissertation (Long essay) Investigation/field study An Artefact A performance
Who can do level 3? Anyone who is studying other level 3 courses People that want to show that they are organised and committed as a student Those going to university, to ‘stand-out’ from other candidates
What does it actually involve? Essentially you have to produce a piece of work that reflects an area you are interested in It can be about anything but it is recommended it links to either a subject you study or a subject you want to study at university
What can I do? The following are examples of project types for each unit: • Unit 1: Dissertation – a theoretical written project on any topic presenting an argument, eg research into a biological, historical or environmental issue • Unit 2: Investigation/Field Study – a practical investigatory project involving the collection of data, eg a scientific investigation, a geographical study of erosion, a biological study of pollution, a statistical survey • Unit 3: Performance – development of practical skills resulting in a performance, eg performing music, drama, sport • Unit 4: Artefact – for example, making a painting or sculpture, designing a piece of furniture or a garment, creating a website, solving an engineering/construction problem, producing a piece of graphic design.
What will it ‘look’ like? Here are the recommendations from the exam board
How is it assessed? Here are 4 areas to be assessed Assessment objective AO1 Manage Identify, design, plan and carry out a project, applying a range of skills, strategies and methods to achieve objectives. 9 marks AO2 Use resources Research, critically select, organise and use information, and select and use a range of resources. Analyse data, apply relevantly and demonstrate understanding of any links, connections and complexities of the topic. 12 marks AO3 Develop and realise Select and use a range of skills, including, where appropriate, new technologies and problem solving, to take decisions critically and achieve planned outcomes. 24 marks AO4 Review Evaluate all aspects of the extended project, including outcomes in relation to stated objectives and own learning and performance. Select and use a range of communication skills and media to present evidenced project outcomes and conclusions in an appropriate format. 9 marks Total 54 marks
What is the qualification worth? Grade UCAS points Equivalence A* 70 A 60 0.5 GCE at grade A B 50 0.5 GCE at grade B C 40 0.5 GCE at grade C D 30 0.5 GCE at grade D E 20 0.5 GCE at grade E
Can I see what it looks like? There are examples on the Academy website in the Extended Project area There are also examples on the exam board website http://www.edexcel.com/quals/project/level3/Pages/default.aspx
More info Check the Edexcel website http://www.edexcel.com/quals/project/level3/Pages/default.aspx Contact Miss Cox at the Academy