Measurements of N 2 - and O 2 -pressure broadening and pressure-induced shifts for 16 O 12 C 32 S transitions in the 3 band M.A. Koshelev and M.Yu. Tretyakov Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhnii Novgorod, Russia R.M. Lees and Li-Hong Xu CLAMS, CIPI and Department of Physical Sciences, University of New Brunswick, Saint John, NB, Canada
Motivations OCS is the major reservoir of atmospheric sulphur, so is a species of considerable environmental importance. OCS is a significant astronomical molecule, observed in interstellar clouds, comets and planetary atmospheres. Retrieval of reliable column densities from remote sensing in the atmosphere and astronomical sources requires accurate line profiles, pressure shift coefficients and intensities. OCS has the strong 3 absorption band in the 5 m operating region of our lead salt diode laser, and has a rich spectrum of isotopic and combination band lines to give good calibration.
TDL IR Spectrometer for Line Broadening Lead-salt diode laser source - dual-cell frequency calibration scheme - multiplexed data acquisition. Lead-salt 5 m TDL
Sample and multiplexed calibration signals OCS + O 2 O 2 -broadened OCS R(40) line at cm ‑ 1
Frequency Calibration for the R(40) OCS Line Map of point index of reference peaks against absolute frequencies. Fit residuals x 1000 Fourth-order polynomial fit to the reference points
Pressure Dependence of O 2 -Broadening for the R(40) Line of OCS
Fitting to N 2 -broadened R(40) line of OCS Fitted HWHM (1) cm -1 Fit to Voigt profile + background
Pressure Dependence of OCS Line Widths (10) cm -1 / atm (10) cm -1 / atm 1- Error bars
J-Dependence of the Broadening Coefficients OCS-N 2 OCS-O 2
Comparison with Previous Results Grey zones represent 3- limits v 1 Data: A. Mouchet et al., Can. J. Phys. 63, 527 (1985) J.-P. Bouanich et al., J. Mol. Spec. 123, 37 (1987) 2v 3 Data: J.L. Domenech et al., J. Mol. Spec. 200, 266 (2000)
Pressure-Induced Frequency Shift Slope = – (2) cm -1 / atm [Error bars are 1- uncertainties] Std Ref Frequency
Conclusions Pressure-broadening parameters measured for OCS in the 3 band to better than 1.5% for mixtures with N 2 and O 2. Measured parameters agree well with previous values for the v 1 and 2v 3 bands. Pressure-broadening parameters decrease by over 20% from low J up to J of ~50. OCS-N 2 broadening parameters are larger than OCS-O 2 by about 13% at low J – difference is ~ independent of J. Small negative pressure-induced line shifts are observed for OCS broadened by N 2 and O 2.