European Commission Education System in Latvia Education System in the Republic of Latvia
European Commission Education System in Latvia The EDUCATION SYSTEM in Latvia is administered by the Ministry of Education and Science.Ministry of Education and Science. IMPORTANT FACTS TO KNOW: Early childhood education and care is managed by local authorities; the Ministry of Education and Science sets legal framework for organisation and curriculum of early childhood education. Pre-school education (ISCED 0) for five- and six-year-olds is compulsory. Primary and lower secondary education (ISCED 1-2) is organised as a single structure system (pamatizglītība) starting at the age of 7 and consisting of nine years of compulsory schooling. Upper secondary education (ISCED 3, 4) is not compulsory, but proportion of population with completed upper secondary education is still high. Higher education (ISCED 5-6) is provided by rather autonomous public and private higher education institutions. Adult education is a constituent part of lifelong education system and is provided in formal programmes and non-formal and informal courses.
European Commission Education System in Latvia
European Commission Education System in Latvia ISCED - 97LevelCorresponding level and term in Latvian Names of corresponding institutions ISCED 0Pre-primary educationPirmsskolas izglītībaPirmsskolas izglītības iestāde (bērnudārzs)/ pirmsskolas grupas pie skolām ISCED 1Primary education (first stage of basic education) Pamatizglītības 1. posmsSākumskola/ pamatskola ISCED 2A, 2BGeneral lower secondary education (second stage of basic education) Pamatizglītība 2. posms, vispārējā izglītība Pamatskola/ vidusskola / ģimnāzija ISCED 2CVocational lower secondary education (second stage of basic education) Pamatizglītības 2. posms, profesionālā izglītība Profesionālās izglītības iestāde ISCED 3A, 3BSecondary education (general upper secondary education) Vidējā vispārējā izglītībaVidusskola/ ģimnāzija/ profesionālās izglītības iestāde ISCED 3A, 3CSecondary education (vocational upper secondary education) Vidējā profesionālā izglītībaProfesionālās izglītības iestāde ISCED 4BPost secondary non-tertiary educationVidējā profesionālā izglītība (vocational (upper) secondary education according to Latvian system) Profesionālās izglītības iestāde ISCED 5AFirst stage of tertiary education (university type) Augstākā izglītība (universitātes izglītība) Augstskola/ universitāte/ akadēmija ISCED 5BFirst stage of tertiary education (non- university type) Augstākā izglītība (neuniversitātes izglītība) Koledža/ augstskola ISCED 6Second stage of tertiary education (doctorate) Augstākā izglītība (universitātes izglītība) Augstskola/ universitāte/ akadēmija
European Commission Education System in Latvia Some statistics for the school year 2011/2012: # of institutions# of pupils/ students Pre-school education level General education Higher education58 (inc. colleges)31 941
European Commission Education System in Latvia In Latvia the referencing of education system to European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning and the European Higher Education Area Qualification Framework started in 2009.European Qualifications FrameworkEuropean Higher Education Area Qualification Framework The whole process is divided into two phases: Phase I, : referencing of the existing Latvian education system to EQF for lifelong learning and European Higher Education Area (EHEA) Qualifications Framework. Phase II, : review of the self-assessment report, on the basis of the new Vocational Education Law, Higher Education Law and the results of European Structural Funds’ project “Development of sectoral qualifications system and increasing the efficiency and quality of vocational education” ( ). The information on the referencing process, the draft of self-assessment report on referencing process and the possibility to express one’s opinion and propose amendments is available via the webpage of the Latvian National Coordination Point.draft of self-assessment reportLatvian National Coordination Point
European Commission Education System in Latvia Recently initiated debates: on general education content and process, and pupils’ learning load Recently launched and ongoing reforms: a comprehensive curriculum reform for 6-11 years old pupils, promoting pupil-centred teaching, reading literacy and skills for work with information; coordination of the curriculum – aims, tasks, core curriculum and results - of pre-primary and primary education. Teachers have to be prepared to use contemporary and creative methods in their work. As a part of the reform in the school year 2010/11 several schools approbated education programme for six-year-olds. One of the outcomes of the reform is a legislative change implying that from the school year 2012/13 learning the first foreign language will be compulsory from the 1st school year (some schools already offer first foreign language from the 1st class although for all schools it is mandatory to start teaching first foreign language not later than from the 3rd class). In 2011, very extensive structural reforms in higher education system have started: the EU funding has been allocated for the international assessment of study programmes. A university funding model has been developed that would complement the existing one by increasing performance and status. EU structural funds are invested to improve the study programmes, develop new content and new, innovative study programs, both academic and research staff renewal, giving scholarships to masters’ and doctoral studies.
European Commission Education System in Latvia More information in detail you may find in the new European Encyclopedia on National Education Systems
European Commission Education System in Latvia...and some useful links: Eurypedia on Education System of Latvia: Overview The Latvian Institute about Education in Latvia: emid=1106 Study in Latvia! about studies in Latvia: Website of the Ministry of Education and Science: