Paintings created from 30,000 years B.C. until 15,000 B.C.Paintings created from 30,000 years B.C. until 15,000 B.C.
Paintings were discovered in Altamira, Spain in 1879 by a man hunting with his dog.Paintings were discovered in Altamira, Spain in 1879 by a man hunting with his dog.
Paintings were discovered at Lascaux, France in 1941 by boys playing catch with their dog.Paintings were discovered at Lascaux, France in 1941 by boys playing catch with their dog.
Hunting in these times was very different.Hunting in these times was very different. Hunters would have to go very close with spears to kill large prey.Hunters would have to go very close with spears to kill large prey. Many hunters would die.Many hunters would die.
Paintings were created for survival reasons rather than beauty.Paintings were created for survival reasons rather than beauty. Most were of animals and had to do with hunting rituals.Most were of animals and had to do with hunting rituals.
These rituals were often very successful.These rituals were often very successful.
It was not uncommon for artists to paint on top of earlier paintings when space ran out.It was not uncommon for artists to paint on top of earlier paintings when space ran out.
Caused a lot of controversy because they were drawn so accurately.Caused a lot of controversy because they were drawn so accurately. Many thought that they were fake because they were so brightly coloured and so well drawn.Many thought that they were fake because they were so brightly coloured and so well drawn.
Surviving paintings are not the first works of art created. They are too complex.Surviving paintings are not the first works of art created. They are too complex. Hundreds or thousands of artists and artworks helped developed skills.Hundreds or thousands of artists and artworks helped developed skills.
Were located far back in the cavesWere located far back in the caves In a sacred spot away from wind and rainIn a sacred spot away from wind and rain That’s why many survived.That’s why many survived.
Many paintings range in size from 5 to 6 feet long.Many paintings range in size from 5 to 6 feet long.
Colours are rich and vivid.Colours are rich and vivid. Pigments were made from lumps of clay and soft stone which were ground into fine powder.Pigments were made from lumps of clay and soft stone which were ground into fine powder. These were mixed with animal fat or bloodThese were mixed with animal fat or blood
Artists scratched outline on stone, filled in lines with black or dark brown, then filled in shape with a reddish hue.Artists scratched outline on stone, filled in lines with black or dark brown, then filled in shape with a reddish hue. Then details were added, looked 3DThen details were added, looked 3D
Artists obviously studied their subject matter carefully. The paintings were very life like and detailed.Artists obviously studied their subject matter carefully. The paintings were very life like and detailed.
Tools include: Fingers, reed or bristol brush, animal fur and moss.Tools include: Fingers, reed or bristol brush, animal fur and moss.
Questions You Should Know How old is prehistoric art? How do we know this? Where can cave paintings be found? Why did cave paintings such as Lascaux cause controversy? Why were the cave paintings done?
More Questions Why did many of the paintings survive? When and how were the paintings at Lascaux and Altamira discovered? What makes the cave paintings even more interesting? How was pigment made? What techniques were used?
Lascaux 0.xmlhttp:// 0.xml Explore and describe the panel of the red cows, black bear, the Chinese horses, the great black cow, chamber of felines, black horse, the injured man and describe the Hall of bulls – unicorn panel. Choose several of areas of the cave and describe.