From Athens to Zeus, or Alexander to Zealots. Do now: Please take out your thesis statements from last night and work together using notes, hand-outs, and note-book
SimilaritiesDifferences Democracies Greek culture Columns and engineering Controlled the Mediterranean Golden Ages Polytheistic Former colonies of each other Great militaries (army and navies) Both held colonies Merchants important Large slave population Patriarchal Statuary Pantheon vs Parthenon Centralized vs decentralized Roman Empire larger Republic vs Direct Democracy Latin vs Greek Christianity (Rome and Constantine) Silk road for Roman trade Extended citizenship to conquered subjects Roman fell to nomadic barbarians Roman Roads
Republic: a representative form of government where citizens elect their leaders. Was first introduced in Rome and influenced Western Civilization
Parthenon: Athenian building developed during Periclean “Golden Age” to house all of the Gods but dedicated to Athena
12 Tables: brought about during the Roman Republic to satisfy the plebians influencing such notable ideas as the presumption of innocence, trial by jury and the right to call people to testify on your behalf
Hellenistic: combining of Alexander of Macedonia’s conquest, the cultures of Greece, India, Persia and Egypt
Philosophy- translation;the love of wisdom. Such influential philosophers of Athens were Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, they brought about studies in academic rigor in science, architecture and mathematics just to name a few.
Direct Democracy: Athenian democracy evolved from a monarchy to a n aristocracy to the direct democracy where citizens would vote to decide on spending projects, warfare and reinvesting into glorifying Athens.
Fall of Rome: various reasons include poor corrupt officials, plague, nomadic attacks and failing infrastructure
Christianity- monotheistic religion founded in the Roman province of Judea and initially persecuted for believes which lay in stark contrast of the traditional Roman religion. After Emperor Constantine’s legalization of Christianity (Edict of Milan) creation of a universal creed (Nycean creed) Christianity will spread along trade routes (cultural diffusion)