Welcome to Gershwin Class Class Teachers: Miss Chew and Mrs Larkum Teaching Assistants: Mrs Pittam and Mrs Lydon
Monday to Wednesday (until 2pm) – Miss Chew Wednesday (from 2pm) to Friday – Mrs Larkum
USA History – Native Americans Geography – States, mountains and rivers. Science – Materials. Trip – Buddies USA – Tuesday 15 th September
P.E. P.E. will take place on a Thursday and Friday. P.E. kits should be in school at all times (including outdoor trainers and tracksuit bottoms).
Swimming Year 3 children will have swimming lessons on a Wednesday morning. 10 weeks Coach to Towcester Centre for Leisure. Swimming trunks, not baggy shorts. Swimming costumes, not bikinis/tankinis.
Groups Children will be in groups for English and Maths. These will be fluid depending on children’s level of understanding from previous lessons.
Spellings Children will have spelling groups 3 times a week. Children will get set weekly homework to consolidate spelling rules taught that week.
Reading at School Guided reading will take place on a weekly basis to develop the children’s comprehension skills. In addition, your child will also read individually with an adult as regularly as possible. Children will need to bring in their reading books and records in everyday. They must place their book in the tray when they have finished it so we can change it. Free readers will change their own books.
Show and Tell Children are invited to bring in show and tell which is linked to our current topic. Please name and items brought into school.
Reading at Home Listening to your child read at home has a huge impact on their progress and can be as little as 5 minutes a day. Reading is not just about decoding the words. Comprehension and understanding is just as important. Ask your child questions about what they have read. Please record this in their reading records.
Homework Homework grids will be sent home every 2 weeks. Children will choose a minimum of 2 activities to complete. In addition to homework, please help your child to learn their number facts and times tables.
Website Take a look at our class page on the Paulerspury School website. You can also follow Gershwin Class on