CITATION: “A reference to a text or part of a text identifying the document in which it may be found, or the format of such reference, which would typically include author, title and bibliographic description of the document” according to one source (Feather & Sturges, 1997, p. 57).
CITATION: “A source quoted in an essay, report, or book to clarify, illustrate, or substantiate a point”(Nordquist, n.d.).
PURPOSE OF CITATION “Help readers identify and relocate the source work. Provide evidence that the position is well- researched. Give credit to the author of an original concept or theory presented”(citationonline. net, n.d.).
When to cite? Whenever you are referring to an idea that is not uniquely your own, one that has been drawn from another source, you must “cite” that idea as someone else’s. Failure to do this is PLAGIARISM.
The citation follows the expression of the idea; typically at the end of a sentence : “Yam stood for manliness, and he who could feed his family on yams from one harvest to another was a very great man in deed“( Achebe, 1959). This is an example of citation
The order of the citation is important, and should include, in parenthesis, the author’s surname, a comma, and the year of publication.
Example: “Yam stood for manliness, and he who could feed his family on yams from one harvest to another was a very great man in deed“( Achebe, 1959, p. 33). Author’s surname Year page
REMEMBER: You must cite the particular book each time you draw from it; not just the first time you use it in a text.
PARAPHRASING When paraphrasing, in-text references do not require page numbers. Ex. : Though feminist studies focus solely on women’s experiences, they err by collectively perpetuating the masculine-centered impressions (Fussel, 1975).
QUOTATIONS If your citation refers to a specific page or pages, you should also include that in your citation: “Community policing involves developing a relationship between citizens and the police department” (Jones, 2005, p. 48).
As mentioned earlier, you might have two ideas from two different sources (notice the placement of the first citation after the first idea): “Community policing involves developing a relationship between citizens and the police department (Jones, 2005, p. 48) as well as teaching citizens how to handle their own crime problems (Smith, 1998). 2nd “idea”
You may also at times refer to works without the parenthesis, if it “flows” better with your paper: – Jones has stated that community policing involves developing a relationship between citizens and the police department (2005, p. 48). Note: the author is left out because it was mentioned earlier in the sentence Note: the author is left out because it was mentioned earlier in the sentence
Here is another example of not using parenthesis: – In 1998, Jones reported that community policing involves developing a relationship between citizens and the police department (p. 48). In this instance the author and the year are mentioned in the prior sentence. The page number (specific to the idea) is the only citation listing. In this instance the author and the year are mentioned in the prior sentence. The page number (specific to the idea) is the only citation listing.
What if your source does not have an author listed anywhere?
You will list the first few words of the title of the work: – Community policing involves developing a relationship between citizens and the police department (“Policing in Action”, 2005). Title synopsis
What if your source does not have a publish date listed anywhere?
You will list the author, and “n.d.” for “no date”: – Community policing involves developing a relationship between citizens and the police department (Jones, n.d.).
TWO AUTHORS You must list both authors every time you draw idea from that particular source: “Community policing involves developing a relationship between citizens and the police department “(Jones & Smith, 2005, p. 48).
Three Authors If you have three to six authors, you cite two different ways. The first time you cite the source, you list all authors: – Community policing involves developing a relationship between citizens and the police department (Jones, Smith, & White, 2005).
SIX AUTHORS AND ABOVE Each additional time you cite this source in your paper, you only list the first author, and follow it up with “et al.”: “Community policing involves developing a relationship between citizens and the police department “(Jones, et al.). “et al.” stands for “and others”
Agency as Author In this instance you simply list that agency within the citation: “Community policing involves developing a relationship between citizens and the police department “(U.S. Department of Justice, 2005).
“I want our people to be like a molave tree, strong and resilient, standing on the hillsides, unafraid of the rising tide, lighting and the storm, confident of its strength.” (Quezon,2010). Source: 10/famous-filipino-quotes.html Date of Retrieval: July 9, 2013 Year: Oct. 22, 2010
Reference List: A reference list includes all the references that you have cited in the text of your assignment.
Essential Information: Your reference list should appear at the end of your paper. It provides the information necessary for a reader to locate and retrieve any source you cite in the body of the paper. Each source you cite in the paper must appear in your reference list; likewise, each entry in the reference list must be cited in your text.
Reference listing Recall that almost without exception, your in-text citation should “connect” to an entry in your reference list toward the end of your paper.
EXAMPLE: “Yam stood for manliness, and he who could feed his family on yams from one harvest to another was a very great man in deed“( Achebe, 1959, p.33). Achebe (1959). Things fall apart. New York: Anchor Books. Achebe (1959). Things fall apart. New York: Anchor Books.
Reference listing Achebe, C. (1959). Things fall apart. New York: Anchor Books. In general, the author is listed first; last name first, first initial next. The year is listed in parenthesis after that. The title is then displayed in italics. If it is a book, the city of publication is offered, followed by a colon and the publishing company name. Hanging Indent
REMINDERS Reference lists are in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. Multiple authors for the same reference are listed in alphabetical order. If you have more than one reference by the same author, you list them in order by the year of publication. Use “&” as opposed to “and” in listing multiple authors
All authors (up to six) are listed in alphabetical order. Anderson, M., Bell, J., & Jones, A. (2005).Community Policing.Hartford, CT:Scholarly Publishers, Inc.
The first six authors are listed, every author after that is referred to as “et al.” (“and others”). Anderson, M., Bell, J., Connors, G., Davis, L., Engram, P., Jones, A., et al. (2005). Community Policing. Hartford, CT: Scholarly Publishers, Inc.
“A source quoted in an essay, report, or book to clarify, illustrate, or substantiate a point.”(Nordquist,n.d.). Nordquist, R.(n.d.). Citation. Retrieved July 9, 2013 from /c/g/citationterm.htm /c/g/citationterm.htm Citation Reference List
Seatwork: Direction: Provide a format of Citation and use the given details to create a reference list. (Copy and answer)
website 1. A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination. Author, Nelson Mandela Year: no date Source: ors/n/nelson_mandela.html ors/n/nelson_mandela.html Retrieved date: September 15, 2011
website 2. It always seems to be impossible until it was done. Author: Nelson, Mandela Date: no date Source: est-nelson-mandela- quotes.html est-nelson-mandela- quotes.html Title of the article: Best of Nelson Mandela quotes of all times Date of retrieval: March 25, 2013
book 3. Create a reference list using the following details. Editors: Aronson J., Aronson E. Place of publication: New York Year: 2008 Title: Readings about social animals Publisher: Worth
Article in an online magazine 4. Title:The myth of the benign monopoly Source: Salon Author: Rupley, S. Date: Feb. 26, 2010 Webpage: Date of retrieval: July 17, 2010
book 5.Author: J. Egeland Year: 2008 Place of Pub: New York Pub.:Simon & Schuster Title: A billion lives: An eyewitness report from the frontline of humanity.
ANSWER 1.Citation: “ A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination”(Mandela, n.d.). Reference: Mandela, N.(n.d.). Retrieved September 14, 2011 from m/quotes/authors/n/nelson _mandela.html
ANSWER 2. Citation: “It always seems to be impossible until it was done” (Mandela, n.d.). Reference: Mandela, N. (n.d.). Best of Nelson Mandela quotes of all times. Retrieved March 25, 2013 from est-nelson-mandela- quotes.html
ANSWER Reference List 3. Aronson E.& Aronson J.(2008). Readings about social animals. New York: Worth
ANSWER Reference List 4. Rupley, S. (2010). The myth of the benign monopoly. Salon. Retrieved July 17, 2010 from
ANSWER 5.Reference List Egeland, J. (2008).A billion lives: An eyewitness report from the frontline of humanity. New York: Simon & Schuster