V part 1 Obtained from a Guildford County workshop-Summer, 2014
Depending upon the software program, the image on the monitor could be a Perspective view, an orthographic view, or a combination.
3D Studio Max, Rhinoceros, and some other modeling programs open with a four window display showing top, side, and perspective viewports.
Various veiwports may be formed by viewing angles. The image viewed depends upon the line of sight of the viewer. To move across a scene is called panning. The scene may be rotated about any of its three axes: x, y, and, z using the Orbit tool. Views may be zoomed which magnifies the image. The size of the object is not increased.
Perspective mimics the way a human eye works and provides scenes that have a “natural” appearance. Perspective windows are included in all 3D modeling programs.
In perspective, lines converge at a vanishing point on the horizon. Perspective views typically contain one, two, three vanishing points. Objects seem to become dimmer as they move away. In perspective, objects seem to become smaller as they move away and larger as they come closer.
Perspective viewports can distort space and “fool the eye” when trying to position objects in 3D. It is not a good idea to attempt object placement and alignment using the perspective window alone.
Orthographic (Parallel Projection) “Ortho” means straight.
Typically six different views can be produced by orthographic projection: Top, bottom, front, back, left, and right sides. Orthographic viewports are extremely useful in the accurate alignment and positioning of objects and features with respect to other features and objects.
Coordinate systems are used to locate objects in 3D space. Lines drawn perpendicular to each other for the purpose of measuring transformation are called the axes. In the 2D Cartesian coordinate system there is a horizontal axis called the X- axis and a vertical called the Y-axis. In 3D space a third axes is added called the Z-axis.
Where axes intersect is called the origin The origin numbers, or coordinates, identify locations in space. The coordinates of the origin are 0,0 on the 2D plane and 0,0,0 in 3D space.
Arcs, ellipses, circles, curves, and freehand curves are basic 2D shapes typically provided within modeling programs called SPLINES. Shapes may be combined to create complex objects.
Parameters affect the size, placement, and orientation of the object. Typical parameters include center point, radius, height, width, etc.
Values provided automatically by the software are called the defaults.
End Part I