Incidental Take Forecast
The official definition of take includes the attempt or action to “harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect” threatened and endangered species. Take may occur incidentally; meaning that take is “incidental to, and not the purpose of, the carrying out of an otherwise lawful activity.”
Species Comal Limits 2013 Take San Marcos Limits 2013 Take Fountain Darter797,00010,482549,12916,698 Comal Springs riffle beetle11, Comal Springs dryopid beetle1, Peck’s cave amphipod18, Texas Blind salamander--100 San Marcos salamander--263,8571, Incidental Take Estimates for the EAHCP
Normal years average 7,750 fountain darters (FD) taken in the Comal system per year (USFWS). 7,750 * 8-years = 62,000 Drought of Record (DOR) 105,000 FD taken each year (USFWS). 105,000 * 7-years (remaining)= 735,000 62, ,000 = 797,000 FD take threshold in Comal System All incidental take (IT) scenarios were established by: